The following list shows all of the software which is currently available for deployment - please note that software marked (*) is not freely installable; please contact us to discuss the licensing details.
If you use a Managed Windows Workstation you can select software to install and/or remove.
More information about some, but not all, of these pieces of software is available on our page of available software.
If you would like us to deploy a piece of software that is not listed below, please contact us with your request.
- 7Zip
- Acrobat Reader DC
- Adobe Acrobat Pro XI (*)
- Adobe Creative Cloud ETLA (*)
- Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium (*)
- Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard (*)
- Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 (*)
- Adobe Illustrator CS5 (*)
- Adobe Illustrator CS6 (*)
- Adobe Indesign Creative Suite 6 (*)
- Adobe Photoshop CS6 (*)
- Amsterdam Density Functional (*)
- Anaconda Scientific Python Distribution (Python 3)
- Andrus Printer (*)
- Arcgis 10.4.1
- ArcGIS 10.5.1 (*)
- ArcGIS Desktop
- ArcGIS Reader
- Arcgis Workstation (*)
- Atom Text Editor
- Audacity
- AutoDock
- avogadro
- Avogadro modified version for Orca support
- BBWin (*)
- Biovia Discovery Studio
- Blackbush
- Blender
- BlueGriffon
- BrightAuthor (*)
- Bruker Dynamics Center
- Bruker Topas
- Bruker Topspin
- Bulk Rename Utility
- CambridgeSoft ChemInventory (*)
- CambridgeSoft ChemScript (*)
- ChemAxon Marvin (*)
- ChemDraw Professional
- Chemistry Welcome (*)
- ChemOffice
- ChemOffice/ChemDraw
- Chrome
- Cisco Jabber
- Cloud Compare
- CMI Printers (*)
- Code Blocks
- Codemeter
- Containers
- Corel Draw X6 (*)
- CrysalisPro
- Cura
- Cygwin (unix-like environment) (*)
- Darca Heritage (*)
- DataWarrior
- DB Browser for SQLite
- Dell Bios logging (*)
- Dell Bios logging (old PCs) (*)
- Dev-C++
- Dia (diagram editor)
- DiffMerge
- Docker Engine
- doPDF (PDF printer)
- DROID (Digital Record Object Identification)
- dugong - a SPRI printer (*)
- Dylos Logger
- FastStone Image Viewer
- FEI TIA (*)
- Fiji ImageJ
- FileOpen plugin
- FileZilla FTP client
- FinchTV
- Firebird (*)
- Firefox
- Firefox ESR (*)
- Fledermaus
- Foxit PDF Reader
- FreeMind
- Geany
- gfortran
- Ghostview
- GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
- git
- GNUplot
- GOLD suite (*)
- Google Drive
- Google Drive Stream (*)
- Google Earth
- gpg4win
- gVim
- Hex Protein Docking
- HP Universal Printing PCL 6
- HyperV
- IBM SPSS Statistics (*)
- ImageJ
- ImageMagick
- Imaris Viewer
- InfraRecorder
- Inkscape
- Instant JChem (*)
- Inuk - a SPRI printer (*)
- IrfanView
- IviLab
- IviumSoft
- JabRef
- Java 8 (*)
- Java JDK x64 (*)
- Java Runtime Environment (*)
- jEdit
- Jourist Visualizer
- jrn454 printer (*)
- Julia (programming language)
- Leica LAS X Office
- LibreCAD
- LibreOffice
- LLDP Daemon
- Lyx
- Malvern PEAQ ITC (*)
- Man On The Moon
- MarcEdit
- Marvin (*)
- Marvin Suite
- Mathematica (*)
- Mathematica extras
- Matlab 2010b (*)
- Matlab 2013b (*)
- Matlab 2014b (*)
- Matlab 2017a (*)
- Matlab 2017b (*)
- Matlab 2019a (*)
- Matlab 2019b (*)
- Matlab 2021a (*)
- Matlab 2021b (*)
- Matlab 2023b (*)
- matlab2024a (*)
- Matlab (latest version)
- Maven (*)
- McAfee ePO Agent (*)
- Mega CC Proto
- Mendeley Desktop
- Mestrenova (*)
- MestReNova Lite
- MGL Tools
- Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based version)
- Microsoft Office 2007 Standard (*)
- Microsoft Office 2010 Standard (*)
- Microsoft Office 2013 ProPlus (*)
- Microsoft Office 2013 Standard (*)
- Microsoft Office 2016
- Microsoft Office 2021 ProPlus
- Microsoft Teams
- MikTeX (deprecated legacy package) (*)
- MiKTeX full install
- Minitab (*)
- Miro
- mMass
- MobaXTerm
- Modes Complete (*)
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- MySQL Server 5.5
- MySQL Workbench
- Quantum GIS
- QuPath
- Safeguard PDF Viewer
- Schrodinger (*)
- Scientifica FTDI Driver
- Scientifica LinLab 2
- Scribus
- Sealion - a SPRI printer (*)
- Sensirion Sensor Viewer
- Serial Cloner
- shelXle
- Skype
- SPRI Shortcuts (*)
- SQL Server 2008 SP3 Express
- Squel - a printer (*)
- SuperMicro IPMIView
- Synctoy
- Tableau Reader
- terror - a SPRI printer (*)
- Test (*)
- test1 (*)
- TexLive
- Texmaker
- TeXstudio
- TightVNC server (*)
- Touch Freeze
- Transcriptome Analysis Console
- UCSF Chimera
- Ultimate Silent Switch Finder
- Virtual Clone Drive
- Visio 2013 Pro (*)
- Visual Studio Code
- VLC media player
- Voyager - Chemistry config
- Voyager - SPRI config
- X2Go Client
- XnView
- Zoom Outlook Plugin
- Zoom Video Conferencing
- Zotero
- Zulip
Software marked (*) is not freely installable: in some cases the software is only licensed to particular research groups, and in others you must buy individual licenses for each computer you wish to install the software on to. Please contact us if you require more information.