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The Computer Officers offer a range of services that all broadly fall under the heading of "Data storage", each of which has different intended uses.

Please be aware that any data relating to personal use stored on University devices or University data storage services is subject to the same monitoring, investigation, and policy and legal compliance as data relating to University business.

Please also be aware that, whilst the University’s Acceptable Use Policy does not prohibit users storing data related to personal use on University data storage, the Principal Investigator (PI) who has paid for your departmental storage may prohibit this. Check your research group’s policy.

Department Fileservers

We provide a resilient, highly-available managed fileserver service, which includes off-site backup. We are able to offer a small (100GB) amount of space to research groups free of charge, whilst larger amounts of space must be paid for by the terabyte.

IFS Fileservers

We manage space on the central University file store on behalf of groups in the department. This is a highly resilient service charged for at cost price.


We offer a disk-hosting service: you provide a hard disk, and we will host it in a server that we manage and make the space accessible over the network to you. Please see the disk hosting page for further details on this service.

Cloud storage options

Computer Disk Image Store

Throughout the department there is specialised hardware, most often instruments,  with associated PCs that should they fail would be difficult to restore to working order. The PCs of concern have software that is possibly no longer available, would be inconvenient to obtain or would require some form of tuning from external engineers. Keeping a full image of such PC's hard disk should help mitigate against this possible loss of service. The current list of instruments for which we hold disk images is here.

System status 

System monitoring page

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