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Read more at: Windows 11

Windows 11

9 May 2024

Windows 11 was released in October 2021 - about two and a half years ago.

We have developed an installer to create managed Windows 11 machines. If anybody is keen to upgrade to the latest version of Windows, please do contact the computer officers.

Read more at: Change to Matlab for managed Windows workstations

Change to Matlab for managed Windows workstations

29 March 2023

We provide Matlab to managed Windows workstations via WPKG. New versions of Matlab are typically released every six months, and historically we have provided separate WPKGs for successive releases.

Read more at: Chemnet Certificate change on July 6th 2022

Chemnet Certificate change on July 6th 2022

6 July 2022

On July 6th 2022 we updated the security certificate used by our ChemNet service.

Read more at: New blog system

New blog system

14 January 2022

We have moved the platform we use for posting short blog entries about IT-related news in the Department of Chemistry.

Our old blog posts will continue to be available at but there will be no new content posted there in future.

Read more at: Matlab 2021b available on Windows

Matlab 2021b available on Windows

14 January 2022

Matlab 2021b is now available for installation on managed Windows computers and can be assigned via our WPKG installation system.

Read more at: Office 2021 now available for installation

Office 2021 now available for installation

13 January 2022

We have made Microsoft Office 2021 available for installation on managed Windows computers.

System status 

System monitoring page

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