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We provide Matlab to managed Windows workstations via WPKG. New versions of Matlab are typically released every six months, and historically we have provided separate WPKGs for successive releases. This meant that if you had, say, Matlab 2021a assigned to your workstation, it would not automatically be replaced by Matlab 2021b (or any newer version) when we released a package - the update would only have occurred if you manually decided to de-assign the old version and assign the newer version.

As of Matlab 2023a which was released in March 2023, we have changed to providing a single 'Matlab (latest version)' package which will automatically update the version of Matlab as we release new versions. We have also updated the software assignments for all managed Windows computers that had any version of Matlab assigned. We can still manually assign a particular version if required, but we expect the vast majority of our Matlab users will want to use the latest version. If you have a requirement for a specific non-latest version, please email

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