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Departmental VoIP Telephone System

The University wide VoIP telphone service is operated and maintained by the Telecomms Division of the University Information Service (UIS).

The Telecomms Office have a website which offers more information and is available at this webpage at the UIS website.


Information Links

Instructions on using particular models of Cisco VoIP phones can be found here.

Users can modify the settings on their phones for your voicemail messages, voicemail optionsspeed dials and redirect options and to view your personal call history.

Historical Information about how VoIP (Voice over IP) telephones work in the Department can be found on the old phones website.

We have joined the University Audio Conferencing Facility, details are at For access please e-mail


University Mobile Telephone Service

The Telecomms Office also are administrators for the University O2 Mobile Service.

There are a variety of smart phone handset models Apple, Android, Blackberry or Windows.

Cheaper Basic handsets are also available.

All models are available with various phonetariffcontracts and data options are available.

Enquires about purchasing an O2 phone should be intially be made by contacting the Departmental Telephone Officer.


Departmental Telephone Liasion Officer (TLO)

The Departmental Telephone Officer is the official Chemistry Department point of contact with the Telecomms Office.

All Chemistry VoiP telephone enquires and technical problems should intiated by sending an email to the phones and TLO support email address.

All University O2 mobile handset purchasing should be inititiated via the TLO by using the support email address.

System status 

System monitoring page

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