ZendTo provides the capability for users to share files between external collaborators and members of the Department of Chemistry that are too large to send via email.
The Department's ZendTo server is accessible at https://zendto.ch.cam.ac.uk . It is important that users of the service read the notes below concerning email addresses.
Information for all users of the service
General usage instructions for the ZendTo server are available at https://zendto.ch.cam.ac.uk/about.php .
All files that are dropped off onto the ZendTo server are automatically deleted after 14 days. Also, no backups are kept of files that have been dropped off.
Information for external users (not members of the Department)
If you not a member of the Department, the ZendTo service can only be used to send files if you have been provided with a request code. Please contact your intended recipient, ask them to log in to https://zendto.ch.cam.ac.uk where they can then "Request a drop-off".
Information for members of the Department
Members of the Department can log in to https://zendto.ch.cam.ac.uk using their Admitto password. Once logged in, you will be able to see all files that have been dropped off for you to collect. Alternatively, when a file is dropped off for you, you can collect it by clicking the link in the automated email you will receive.
If you wish to let someone outside of the Department send you a file using ZendTo, you must log in to https://zendto.ch.cam.ac.uk and click "Request a drop-off" to provide the sender with a "Request code" they can use.