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Admitto is the Department of Chemistry and SPRI authentication service. It provides a username and password that can be used for accessing resources in Chemistry and SPRI. The software that provides Admitto is called Active Directory.

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Current list of services using Admitto or Active Directory

  • Managed Windows workstations

    These use the Admitto username and password for login. In addition the Active Directory manages the installation of software patches and virus updates. This occurs invisibly to the user and requires no additional action other than to approve an occasional system reboot when requested. More details at our page about managed Windows workstations.

  • Managed Apple Macs

    These use the Admitto username and password for login.

  • Managed Linux workstations

    These use the Admitto username and password for login. More details at our page about managed linux workstations.

  • Chemistry Fileservers

    Users can access their own or shared data on departmental secured file servers using their Admitto username and password. However please note that additional Access Control Lists (ACLs) often prevent anyone other than bona fide members of groups actually accessing group data. More details at our page about fileservers.

  • Chemistry VPN

    Usage of this service requires an active Admitto account, but authentication uses ChemNet tokens. This service authenticates a remote user to the chemistry network, so whilst active a user's machine will have access to all applications and electronic data (storage, journals) as if they were physically located in the building. However performance will still be governed by the network bandwidth and latency at the remote location. More details at our page about the VPN service.

  • Chemistry Admin database

    This database contains departmental administrative data. Access to the database as a whole and specific areas within the database is limited to those who need it to perform their job.

  • Bastion host (barbican)

    This provides SSH access from outside the department to Chemistry. An Admitto account is required, but authenticaion is via ssh keys.

  • Compute servers

    The compute servers use Admitto passwords for login. See the documentation for the individual servers for details.

  • Disk hosting service

    Allows groups to install their own disks into managed servers to provide very cheap storage where a group canot afford a more reliable solution

Account management tools

Some tools for managing Admitto accounts are available at

System status 

System monitoring page

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