The Chemistry Department has a number of mailing lists, which are provided by the University's service.
- Available lists
- Viewing lists that you are subscribed to
- Subscribing to lists
- Unsubscribing from lists
- Viewing list membership
- Posting to lists
- Creating a new mailing list
- Documentation
Available lists
Go to You can search for mailing lists by name by clicking the Search for List(s) button. All Chemistry Department lists have a name that starts with chem-, so you can see all lists in the Department by typing that into the search box and clicking the Search lists button. In the search results, click on the name of a mailing list to see more information about it.
Viewing lists that you are subscribed to
Go to and click the Login using Raven button. After logging in, click the My lists button to see all of the mailing lists you are a member of, as well as any lists for which you are an administrator/owner.
Subscribing to lists
Please note that the membership of many mailing lists (such as chem-general, chem-safety) is automatically generated from the Department's administration database, and so do not have a subscription link on the list info page. If you believe that you should be subscribed to one of these lists, please email the Computer Officers.
Otherwise, find the list you wish to subscribe to by looking at the Available lists (see above). On the list info page, click Subscribe under the List Options tab, then follow the instructions. Some lists will automatically allow you to subscribe, while others will notify the list administrators of this request, who will then need to approve it.
Unsubscribing from lists
Please note that the membership of many mailing lists (such as chem-general, chem-safety, etc.) is automatically generated from the Department's administration database, and so do not have an option to unsubscribe on the list info page. If you wish to unsubscribe from one of these lists, please email the Computer Officers.
To unsubscribe from a list, login and view your lists (see Viewing lists that you are subscribed to above). Click the list you wish to unsubscribe from, then click Unsubscribe under the List Options tab and follow the instructions.
Viewing list membership
Some lists allow members to view a list of members by sending an email with the subject line "REVIEW list-name" to However, this depends on the list's configuration and may show some or none of its members.
Posting to lists
The list info page will usually include the email address to use for posting to the list. The email address to use will be of the form
Please note that there are different mailing list posting policies that may apply to any particular list, such as:
- all list members can post
- only list administrators can post
- only list administrators and a specific list of authorised senders can post
If you try to email a mailing list that you do not have permission to post to, the list moderators/administrators will be notified, who will then choose to either accept or reject your message.
Creating a new mailing list
If you would like a new Chemistry Department mailing list to be created, please email the Computer Officers.