About the service
The Department of Chemistry Computer Officers run a centrally-managed file storage service. All data kept on this service is also backed up by the Computer Offices.
In order for this service to be funded, a charge of £450 per terabyte (TB) will be made; please note that any purchase must be for a whole number of terabytes. This charge will suffice to provide service for the lifespan of the server which we calculate to be 5 years. Costs for renewal will be based on the cost of replacement hardware and required storage at the end of that time.
The Computer Officers are happy to supply research groups with a 'taster' 100 gigabytes (GB) of storage on this service without charge, upon request via an email to support@ch.cam.ac.uk . This taster allocation will be included in the first 1TB purchased.
Who can use the service
Intended users of the file-server storage will need to register for an Admitto account if they do not already have one.
To use this facility, or to discuss your options please contact the Computer Officers or Tim Dickens.
Please be aware that any data relating to personal use stored on University devices or University data storage services is subject to the same monitoring, investigation, and policy and legal compliance as data relating to University business.
Please also be aware that, whilst the University’s Acceptable Use Policy does not prohibit users storing data related to personal use on University data storage, the Principal Investigator (PI) who has paid for your departmental storage may prohibit this. Check your research group’s policy.
Instructions for connecting to a Departmentally-managed fileserver
Please select the appropriate link from this page for instructions on accessing your share
The data on the fileservers is replicated in real time between two sets of hardware, one in the main Chemistry building and one in the CMI. Either of the two locations can provide the live service, so if one fails the other can be quickly brought into service. In addition the data is backed up at least once a day to hardware kept offsite at the West Cambridge Data Centre. backups are kept for up to six months.