R is a statistical computing environment.
On managed Linux workstations the package will be installed by default; type R to start it.
On managed Windows workstations you may need to use WPKG to install the package. If you are the registered user of the machine you want the package on, or are the group computer rep for the machine you can select the package for installation at https://apps.ch.cam.ac.uk/wpkg/
R has HTML, PDF, and info documentation. Start R (all versions) and type 'help.start()' which will open it inside your web browser.
The homepage is http://www.r-project.org/.
We use the Ubuntu packages but add some extra libs. Prerequisites: openjdk-11-jdk-headless (for rJava). Ansible will set up /etc/R/Renviron.site
to point to a libs directory on the NFS server, but you have to create the directory first. As root: mount the NFS as rw (and hold it open as rw to prevent autofs from reaping it), make the directory, then fire up R.
> .libPaths() # check if NFS is first in list as this is where packages will install (/shared/shared/ubuntu-20.04/R/site-library) > b <- c("abind", "akima","chron","cluster","emdbook","fields","lattice", "maps", "maptools", "MASS", "Matrix", "mgcv", "ncdf4","nlme","openair","plotrix", "plyr", "Rcpp", "reshape", "reshape2", "stringr", "rJava", "spam","RgoogleMaps") > install.packages(b,repos="http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/")