Symbolic maths package
Managed Linux workstations and managed Windows workstations in research groups that have contributed to the cost of the licence. Media is also available for members of groups who have contributed to the cost of the licence to install the package on non-managed machines. Please see to find out which groups currently have access to Mathematica and to get instructions for installing if you're a group member.
On Linux, load the mathematica module if needed (module add mathematica). Type 'mathematica' for the GUI or 'math' for the command line version. If you want a different version than the default load a different module like this:
$ module avail mathematica mathematica/10.0.0 mathematica/10.10.0 mathematica/8.0.4 mathematica/9.0.1 $ module rm mathematica $ module add mathematica/10.10.0
Mathematica is available for installation on managed Windows computers via WPKG.
This is proprietary software. The Department of Chemistry has a licence.
Mathematica has a comprehensive online help system. There are also large amounts of documentation on the web at
On Linux we install it directly into the NFS server /usr/local/shared/Wolfram/Mathematica/version and make a symlink from the latest version to /usr/local/shared/Wolfram/Mathematica/current . After installing the software copy the mathpass file from the previous version's Configuration/Licensing directory into the new version, so the software can find the licence server, and make an environment module for the managed workstations.
On Windows it is a wpkg .
Licence server
This is (a CNAME for the real licence server). The licence server itself is installed in /usr/local/Wolfram/MathLM/. It can be started and stopped with the /etc/init.d/mathlm script. The mathpass file in the MathLM directory is the actual licence.
Access to Mathematica is controlled by the mathematica-users group.
Other problems
Check the NumLock isn't on.