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The CUDA Toolkit is a C language development environment for CUDA-enabled GPUs.


All managed Linux workstations but only useful on machines with high-end NVIDIA graphics cards which support CUDA.

Instructions for users: 

We have multiple cuda environment modules available, and it is likely that you want to use the version appropriate to the CUDA driver used by your graphics card. You can check that by running nvidia-smi, which will show you information about your Nvidia card including e.g. CUDA Version: 11.7, in which case you would want to module load cuda/11.7. It is likely that the first time you do this you will be told you need to run a command similar to sudo apt-get install cuda-toolkit-11-7; this is because the software is provided as a package from the Nvidia Ubuntu repository we make available on all managed linux workstations, and we then provide environment modules to properly set up e.g your PATH and CUDAXX environment.

Whilst in principle it is possible to install multiple CUDA versions simultaneously, they each require a signficant amount of disk space so you should check carefully before doing so.

Licence Details: 

System status 

System monitoring page

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