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CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data. Supported data formats are GRIB 1/2, netCDF 3/4, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG. There are more than 600 operators available.

Instructions for users: 

On Ubuntu 18.04 and newer, this is on the standard PATH - just type 'cdo'

On older versions load the module:

$ module add cdo 
$ cdo -h 
Licence Details: 

Online at Or get information about a particular operator by typing cdo -h operator.

Admin notes: 

Requires HDF5 and NetCDF. It is possible to build a version with szip which we have done; this version can't be distributed further because of licence issues.

On Ubuntu 18.04 decided to go with the system version.

System status 

System monitoring page

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