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A cartographic python library with matplotlib support.

Instructions for users: 

This module should be on the standard Python search path. Just use import cartopy in your scripts.

(You will need to use Python 3 on 20.04 focal, but can use either Python 2 or 3 on 18.04 bionic.)

Licence Details: 
Admin notes: 

Available from Ubuntu 14.04 to 18.04.

Prior to bionic, not an Ubuntu package. Installed as a dependency of Iris so not doing a full virtualenv for it, just install module on the NFS server and add path to the file.

On xenial, installed it through pip:

pip install Cartopy --prefix=/usr/local/

Copied the files it created and built a deb from them.

(On bionic, it seems to have come from bionic/universe:python-cartopy)


System status 

System monitoring page

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