ESMP is a prototype Python interface to the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) regridding utility.
Instructions for users:
Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
module add python/2.7/esmp/ or esmf/gfortran esmf/intel
Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)
On this version the ESMF Python interface isn't installed by default, but anyone can install a copy via Anaconda Python's conda package manager:
module add anaconda # load anaconda python conda create -n esmpy -c nesii -c conda-forge esmpy conda activate esmpy
Admin notes:
To Compile ESMF: set environment variables
ESMF_DIR=/path/to/esmfsource ESMF_COMPILER=gfortran # and with 'intel' as well. You can use the same paths as it names the lib after the compiler. ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/esmf make lib make check make install
You then need to install the ESMP Python module. Set ESMFMKFILE (see esmf module) and run before moving the ESMP directory into the appropriate location.