Above: Working with lasers in the Knowles lab.
Measurements with numbers: turning phenomena into quantitative science
The Physical and Atmospheric Chemistry Research Interest group has two broad but overlapping aims. One is to understand the properties of molecular systems in terms of physical principles. This work underpins many developing technological applications that affect us all, such as nanotechnology, sensors and molecular medicine. The other is atmospheric chemistry, where we study the interactions between chemical composition, climate and health, using a range of computer modelling and experiment-based approaches. Together, these interests form a richly interdisciplinary subject which spans the full range of scientific methodologies - experimental, theoretical and computational.
Discoveries in this RIG have resulted in a number of practical applications in areas such as rapid DNA sequencing, high performance memory devices, accurate crystal structure prediction, and more effective monitoring of local and global air quality.
Research Themes
Polar stratospheric clouds seen from the Department of Chemistry
Centre for Atmospheric Science
Archibald, Anger-Kraavi, Giorio, Jones, Kalberer, Pyle, Schmidt
Klenerman, Knowles, Lee, Taraskin
Clarke, Jefferson, Jenkins, Klenerman
Physical Chemistry of Materials
Forse, Grey, Keeler, Klenerman, Lee
Surface science