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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


The Department of Chemistry is keen to support early career researchers who wish to apply for research fellowships that will help them to establish themselves as independent researchers.

As pressure on space and resources means that we cannot support everyone who wishes to apply.

We divide fellowships into two types: senior and junior fellowships.

Senior fellowships

These fellowships usually require at least three years of post-doctoral experience, where the sponsor provides funds for the fellow's salary and a research grant that allows the appointment of a postdoc or PhD student that will form the nucleus of an independent research group.

The Department of Chemistry is currently under severe pressure on space and resources which means that we will be unable to support any applications in 2022/23 for senior fellowships.  This includes Royal Society University Research Fellows, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellows, BBSRC David Phillips Fellows, EPSRC Early Career Fellows, NERC Independent Fellows, MRC Career Development Fellows, Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellows, and their equivalents.

Junior fellowships

We can support junior fellowships (usually a first or second postdoctoral position), where the fellow is tied to an existing research group, directly supervised by one of our academic staff, and funds provide only the fellow's salary and research costs. This includes EC Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellows, BBSRC Discovery Fellows, EPSRC Post-Doctoral Fellows, MRC Skills Development Fellows, Sir Henry Wellcome Fellows, Royal Society Newton International Fellows, Leverhulme Early Career Fellows, Cambridge College Research Fellowships, and their equivalents.

Applicants for junior fellowships must contact potential supervisors to discuss their proposal, and a member of academic staff must agree to act as supervisor before the application can be approved for submission to a sponsor.  Research interests of all academic staff can be found here on the Department of Chemistry website.

Applicants must also contact the Department's Grants Office ( as soon as possible after approval for submission has been given, so that a full financial costing can be prepared. All grant applications must be completely ready for submission to the sponsor no later than five working days before the sponsor's published deadline. This is to allow sufficient time for the application to be formally approved by the Department and University central administration before submission to the sponsor.