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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry

Understanding the Mechanism of Electrochemical CO<sub>2</sub> Capture by Supercapacitive Swing Adsorption
G Mapstone, TM Kamsma, Z Xu, PK Jones, AA Lee, I Temprano, J Lee, MFL De Volder, AC Forse
– ACS Nano
Exploration of potential-limited protocols to prevent inefficiencies in Li-O2 batteries during charge
Z Lacour, Y Ham, L Brazel, CP Grey, I Temprano
– Chemical Communications
A pseudo-cubic metal–organic cage with conformationally switchable faces for dynamically adaptive guest encapsulation
H Xu, TK Ronson, AW Heard, PCP Teeuwen, L Schneider, P Pracht, JD Thoburn, DJ Wales, JR Nitschke
– Nature Chemistry
Understanding the Mechanism of Electrochemical CO2 Capture by Supercapacitive Swing Adsorption
G Mapstone, TM Kamsma, Z Xu, PK Jones, AA Lee, I Temprano, J Lee, MFL De Volder, AC Forse
Resolving Structures of Paramagnetic Systems in Chemistry and Materials Science by Solid‐State NMR: The Revolving Power of Ultra‐Fast MAS
J Koppe, KJ Sanders, TC Robinson, AL Lejeune, D Proriol, S Wegner, A Purea, F Engelke, RJ Clément, CP Grey, AJ Pell, G Pintacuda
– Angewandte Chemie
Identification of the dual roles of Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> coatings on NMC811-cathodes <i>via</i> theory and experiment
RLB Chen, FN Sayed, H Banerjee, I Temprano, J Wan, AJ Morris, CP Grey
– Energy &amp; Environmental Science
Pore Network Tortuosity Controls Fast-Charging in Supercapacitors
T Kress, X Liu, A Forse
Pore Network Tortuosity Controls Fast-Charging in Supercapacitors
T Kress, X Liu, A Forse
Molecular flexibility of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid measured by NMR has a profound effect on invasion of cancer cells
U Bashtanova, A Kuraite, R Rajan, MJ Duer
Semi-artificial leaf interfacing organic semiconductors and enzymes for solar fuel synthesis
CWS Yeung, Y Liu, S Cobb, V Andrei, A Coito, R Manuel, I Pereira, E Reisner
Substituent Effects on Cooperativity in Three-Component H-Bond Networks Involving Phenol-Phenol Interactions.
L Trevisan, AD Bond, CA Hunter
– J Am Chem Soc
Borates vs . aluminates: comparing the anion for lithium-ion batteries
DMC Ould, ME Penrod, JB McConnell, MA Zabara, AH Berge, CA O'Keefe, AD Bond, S Menkin, CP Grey, DS Wright
– Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)
Role of Fe Impurity Reactions in the Electrochemical Properties of MgFeB2O5
C Tacconis, S Dey, CD McLaughlin, MT Sougrati, CA O’Keefe, I Mikulska, CP Grey, SE Dutton
– Chemistry of Materials
Development of an Automated Workflow for Screening the Assembly and Host-Guest Behaviour of Metal-Organic Cages towards Accelerated Discovery
A Basford, AH Bernardino, P Teeuwen, B Egleston, J Humphreys, K Jelfs, J Nitschke, I Riddell, R Greenaway
Breaking Supercapacitor Symmetry Enhances Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Capture
Z Xu, X Liu, G Mapstone, Z Coady, C Seymour, S Wiesner, S Menkin, A Forse
The role of Li⋯F interactions in lithium and heterobimetallic lithium–magnesium complexes of the hexafluoroisopropoxide anion
A Terzopoulos, R Marinho Fonseca, AD Bond, CP Grey, DS Wright
– Polyhedron
Modular perovskite-BiVO4 artificial leaves towards syngas synthesis on a m2 scale
V Andrei, Y-H Chiang, M Rahaman, M Anaya, T Kang, E Ruggeri, SD Stranks, E Reisner
Semiartificial Photosynthetic Nanoreactors for H2 Generation.
H Zhang, J Jaenecke, IL Bishara-Robertson, C Casadevall, HJ Redman, M Winkler, G Berggren, N Plumeré, JN Butt, E Reisner, LJC Jeuken
– Journal of the American Chemical Society
Development of an Automated Workflow for Screening the Assembly and Host-Guest Behaviour of Metal-Organic Cages towards Accelerated Discovery
A Basford, AH Bernardino, P Teeuwen, B Egleston, J Humphreys, K Jelfs, J Nitschke, I Riddell, R Greenaway
Catalytic Bond‐Forming Reactions Using Aluminium(III)
D Choudhury, DS Wright
– European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry