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Read more at: Three stories of success through Widening Participation

Three stories of success through Widening Participation

Zedric Grosvenor at his computer.

Zedric Grosvenor taken by Nathan Pitt ©University of Cambridge

The department has awarded three PhD studentships in a pilot Widening Participation scheme aimed at tackling the under-representation of certain groups in Chemistry and in the University.

Read more at: Exploring new frontiers: Our summer students part 2

Exploring new frontiers: Our summer students part 2

Katie Beken at the lab.

Katie Beken taken by Michael Webb ©University of Cambridge

Meet the rest of our summer students who finished eight-week project in a research group in our department

Read more at: A summer season: insights from our research students

A summer season: insights from our research students

Tom Peretz in the lab.

Tom Peretz taken by Nathan Pitt ©University of Cambridge

Meet this year’s summer interns, who each completed an eight-week project in a research group, thanks to generous donors Wyn Lewis-Bevan (Churchill 1979), donors to our Chemistry@Cambridge Opportunity Fund, and the EPSRC.

Read more at: A catalyst for a greener future

A catalyst for a greener future

Leah Webster operates an NMR machine.

Leah Webster C@C taken by Michael Webb ©University of Cambridge

Dr Leah Webster is developing catalysts for a more sustainable future.

Read more at: One year, many milestones: Progress developing sustainable catalysts

One year, many milestones: Progress developing sustainable catalysts

Ruth Webster in an NMR laboratory

Ruth Webster in the NMR laboratory taken by Nathan Pitt ©University of Cambridge

It’s been a year since Dr Ruth Webster and her group came to our department from the University of Bath. Discover Ruth’s mission is to find sustainable catalysts that speed up essential chemical reactions.