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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry

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Read more at: Soft, stretchy ‘jelly batteries’ inspired by electric eels

Soft, stretchy ‘jelly batteries’ inspired by electric eels

A stretchy battery.

Soft, stretchable ‘jelly batteries’, courtesy the Scherman Group.

Researchers from our department have developed soft, stretchable ‘jelly batteries’ that could be used for wearable devices or soft robotics, or even implanted in the brain to deliver drugs or treat conditions such as epilepsy.

Read more at: Climate AI outreach in India

Climate AI outreach in India

Peter-Murray Rust and Gitanjali Yadav.

Peter-Murray Rust and Gitanjali Yadav at the Garden of Five Senses.

Dr Peter-Murray Rust and Dr Gitanjali Yadav spent two weeks touring northern India under a Cambridge-Hamied Visiting Fellowship to make climate science accessible to everyone.

Read more at: Andreas Bender receives award for computational and experimental chemistry

Andreas Bender receives award for computational and experimental chemistry

Andreas Bender taken by Nathan Pitt, ©University of Cambridge

Professor Andreas Bender is a recipient of the 2024 Synergy Award by the Society of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research.

Read more at: Atlas of proteins reveals inner workings of cells

Atlas of proteins reveals inner workings of cells

Cells with visible cell body, nucleus and condensates.

Microtubules highlighting the cell body (purple) with nucleus (yellow) and condensates (blue). Courtesy Andrew Seeber.

Researchers at our department discover how proteins behave inside cells using AI, which has the potential to guide drug design.

Read more at: Could lipids inhibit amyloid formation?

Could lipids inhibit amyloid formation?

Zenon Toprakcioglu in the lab

Zenon Toprakcioglu C@C taken by Michael Webb ©University of Cambridge

Dr Zenon Toprakcioglu studies protein misfolding diseases in the Knowles group. His latest research studies how lipids found naturally in our cells and in the brain’s grey matter could slow down the formation of protein aggregates.