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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Research Associate

My research interests lie in understanding the nanoscale triggers of neurodegenerative disorders using biophysical approaches and how these alterations at the synapses contribute towards the onset of such diseases. It was piqued during my PhD research and continues to grow within postdoctoral research. I am attempting to address the challenges associated with rapid extraction and nanoscale imaging of synapses from brain tissues.


The delayed kinetics of Myddosome formation explains why amyloid-beta aggregates trigger Toll-like receptor 4 less efficiently than lipopolysaccharide.
B Li, P Suresh, J Brelstaff, S Kedia, CE Bryant, D Klenerman
The delayed kinetics of Myddosome formation explains why amyloid-beta aggregates trigger Toll-like receptor 4 less efficiently than lipopolysaccharide
B Li, P Suresh, J Brelstaff, S Kedia, CE Bryant, D Klenerman
– eLife
Real-time heterogeneity of supramolecular assembly of amyloid precursor protein is modulated by an endocytic risk factor PICALM.
V Belapurkar, HS Mahadeva Swamy, N Singh, S Kedia, SRG Setty, M Jose, D Nair
– Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS
Golgi fragmentation - One of the earliest organelle phenotypes in Alzheimer's disease neurons
H Haukedal, GI Corsi, VP Gadekar, NT Doncheva, S Kedia, N de Haan, A Chandrasekaran, P Jensen, P Schiønning, S Vallin, FR Marlet, A Poon, C Pires, FK Agha, HH Wandall, S Cirera, AH Simonsen, TT Nielsen, JE Nielsen, P Hyttel, R Muddashetty, BI Aldana, J Gorodkin, D Nair, M Meyer, MR Larsen, K Freude
– Front Neurosci
Nanoscale organization of Nicastrin, the substrate receptor of the γ-secretase complex, as independent molecular domains.
S Kedia, K Mandal, PR Netrakanti, M Jose, SS Sisodia, D Nair
– Molecular Brain
Quantifying molecular aggregation by super resolution microscopy within an excitatory synapse from mouse hippocampal neurons.
S Kedia, N Ramanan, D Nair
– STAR Protocols
Does Altered Probability of Real Time Diffusional Collisions of Membrane Molecules Trigger or Delay Alzheimers Disease
D Nair, S Kedia, M Jose
– iScience Notes
Alteration in synaptic nanoscale organization dictates amyloidogenic processing in Alzheimer's disease.
S Kedia, P Ramakrishna, PR Netrakanti, N Singh, SS Sisodia, M Jose, S Kumar, A Mahadevan, N Ramanan, S Nadkarni, D Nair
– iScience
Nanoscale rearrangement of APP organization as a therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease
S Kedia, D Nair
– Medical hypotheses
Real-time nanoscale organization of amyloid precursor protein
S Kedia, P Ramakrishna, PR Netrakanti, M Jose, J-B Sibarita, S Nadkarni, D Nair
– Nanoscale

Research Group

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01223 763965

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