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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Research Associate

I am an NCAS Research Scientist working with Prof. Alex Archibald in the Centre for Atmospheric Science.

I use numerical models and observations to investigate physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere. I work with UKCA, the United Kingdom Chemistry and Aerosols community model, based on the Met Office Unified Model. I have past experience in addressing the effect of model horizontal resolution on a number of different dynamical and chemical processes. Currently, I'm working on better integration of models and observational data. 


Key Research Interests

  • Decadal changes in tropospheric ozone.
  • Model evaluation and comparison with observations.
  • Tropical deep convection and its impact on Troposphere/Stratosphere exchange.
  • Lightning emissions and their impact on climate.
  • Very short lived ozone depleting species (VSLS) and their impact on stratospheric ozone at the Tropical tropopause
  • Impacts of emission changes and climate on regional atmospheric composition.



  • Research Scientist: 2006-present. University of Cambridge.
  • Research Scientist: 2008-present. National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS)
  • Regional Climate Scientist: 2002-2006. Met Office, Hadley Centre.
  • PhD: 1998-2001. University College London.
  • Master Degree, Chemistry: 1992-1997. University of Palermo, Italy.



Virtual Integration of Satellite and In-situ Observation Networks (VISION) v1.0: In-Situ Observations Simulator
MR Russo, SL Bartholomew, D Hassell, AM Mason, E Neininger, AJ Perman, DAJ Sproson, D Watson-Parris, NL Abraham
Data supporting the North Atlantic Climate System: Integrated Studies (ACSIS) programme, including atmospheric composition, oceanographic and sea ice observations (2016–2022) and output from ocean, atmosphere, land and sea-ice models (1950–2050)
AT Archibald, B Sinha, M Russo, E Matthews, F Squires, NL Abraham, S Bauguitte, T Bannan, T Bell, D Berry, L Carpenter, H Coe, A Coward, P Edwards, D Feltham, D Heard, J Hopkins, J Keeble, EC Kent, B King, IR Lawrence, J Lee, CR Macintosh, A Megann, BI Moat, K Read, C Reed, M Roberts, R Schiemann, D Schroeder, T Smyth, L Temple, N Thamban, L Whalley, S Williams, H Wu, M-X Yang
Seasonal, interannual and decal variability of Tropospheric Ozone in the North Atlantic: Comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005-2018
MR Russo, BJ Kerridge, NL Abraham, J Keeble, BG Latter, R Siddans, J Weber, PT Griffiths, JA Pyle, AT Archibald
– Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Seasonal, interannual and decal variability of Tropospheric Ozone in the North Atlantic: Comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005–2018
MR Russo, BJ Kerridge, NL Abraham, J Keeble, BG Latter, R Siddans, J Weber, PT Griffiths, JA Pyle, AT Archibald
Supplementary material to "Seasonal, interannual and decal variability of Tropospheric Ozone in the North Atlantic: Comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005–2018"
MR Russo, BJ Kerridge, NL Abraham, J Keeble, BG Latter, R Siddans, J Weber, PT Griffiths, JA Pyle, AT Archibald
The Common Representative Intermediates Mechanism Version 2 in the United Kingdom Chemistry and Aerosols Model
S Archer-Nicholls, NL Abraham, YM Shin, J Weber, MR Russo, D Lowe, SR Utembe, FM O'Connor, B Kerridge, B Latter, R Siddans, M Jenkin, O Wild, AT Archibald
– Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
ARTN e2020MS002420
The Evaluation of the North Atlantic Climate System in UKESM1 Historical Simulations for CMIP6
J Robson, Y Aksenov, TJ Bracegirdle, O Dimdore-Miles, PT Griffiths, DP Grosvenor, DLR Hodson, J Keeble, C MacIntosh, A Megann, S Osprey, AC Povey, D Schröder, M Yang, AT Archibald, KS Carslaw, L Gray, C Jones, B Kerridge, D Knappett, T Kuhlbrodt, M Russo, A Sellar, R Siddans, B Sinha, R Sutton, J Walton, LJ Wilcox
– Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
ARTN e2020MS002126
Description and evaluation of the UKCA stratosphere–troposphere chemistry scheme (StratTrop vn 1.0) implemented in UKESM1
A T Archibald, F M O'Connor, N Luke Abraham, S Archer-Nicholls, M P Chipperfield, M Dalvi, G A Folberth, F Dennison, S S Dhomse, P T Griffiths, C Hardacre, A J Hewitt, R S Hill, C E Johnson, J Keeble, M O Köhler, O Morgenstern, J P Mulcahy, C Ordóñez, R J Pope, S T Rumbold, M R Russo, N H Savage, A Sellar, M Stringer, S T Turnock, O Wild, G Zeng
– Geoscientific Model Development
Recent multivariate changes in the North Atlantic climate system, with a focus on 2005-2016
J Robson, RT Sutton, A Archibald, F Cooper, M Christensen, LJ Gray, NP Holliday, C Macintosh, M McMillan, B Moat, M Russo, R Tilling, K Carslaw, D Desbruyères, O Embury, DL Feltham, DP Grosvenor, S Josey, B King, A Lewis, GD McCarthy, C Merchant, AL New, CH O'Reilly, SM Osprey, K Read, A Scaife, A Shepherd, B Sinha, D Smeed, D Smith, A Ridout, T Woollings, M Yang
– International Journal of Climatology
On the emissions and transport of bromoform: Sensitivity to model resolution and emission location
MR Russo, MJ Ashfold, NRP Harris, JA Pyle
– Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
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01223 748896

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