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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


RAE Chair in Emerging Technologies

Our research

The Reisner laboratory develops new concepts and technologies for the conversion of solar energy and renewable electricity into sustainable fuels and chemicals for a circular economy. Thus, we explore chemical aspects of energy and sustainability, in particular photo- and electrocatalysis and the interface of synthetic chemistry, materials and nano-science, chemical biology and engineering. Central themes of our cross-disciplinary and collaborative approach are the development of processes for the upcycling of plastic and biomass waste as well as the use of carbon dioxide and water to produce green fuels and chemicals for a sustainable future.

More information can be found on our group website.

Keywords:  Solar fuels, solar chemicals, artificial photosynthesis, biohybrid materials, water and CO2 splitting, small molecule activation, catalysis, metalloenzymes, microbiology, biomimetic chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, synthetic chemistry, electrochemistry, photoelectrochemistry, materials Chemistry, nanotechnology, functional and energy materials.

See how the people in Bricktown benefit from Reisner's research

Plastic: The new fantastic

Mimicking nature to create a green fuel

Professor Reisner discusses his research

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Perovskite-driven solar C2 hydrocarbon synthesis from CO2
V Andrei, I Roh, J-A Lin, J Lee, Y Shan, C-K Lin, S Shelton, E Reisner, P Yang
– Nature Catalysis
Modular perovskite-BiVO4 artificial leaves towards syngas synthesis on a m2 scale
V Andrei, YH Chiang, M Rahaman, M Anaya, T Kang, E Ruggeri, SD Stranks, E Reisner
– Energy & Environmental Science
Semi-artificial leaf interfacing organic semiconductors and enzymes for solar fuel synthesis
CWS Yeung, Y Liu, S Cobb, V Andrei, A Coito, R Manuel, I Pereira, E Reisner
Modular perovskite-BiVO4 artificial leaves towards syngas synthesis on a m2 scale
V Andrei, Y-H Chiang, M Rahaman, M Anaya, T Kang, E Ruggeri, SD Stranks, E Reisner
Semiartificial Photosynthetic Nanoreactors for H2 Generation.
H Zhang, J Jaenecke, IL Bishara-Robertson, C Casadevall, HJ Redman, M Winkler, G Berggren, N Plumeré, JN Butt, E Reisner, LJC Jeuken
– Journal of the American Chemical Society
Solar‐Driven Methanogenesis through Microbial Ecosystem Engineering on Carbon Nitride
S Kalathil, M Rahaman, E Lam, TL Augustin, HF Greer, E Reisner
– Angewandte Chemie
A photoelectrochemical-thermoelectric device for semi-artificial CO2 fixation employing full solar spectrum utilization
SJ Cobb, C Pornrungroj, V Andrei, VM Badiani, L Su, RR Manuel, IAC Pereira, E Reisner
– Device
Solar Fuel Synthesis Using a Semiartificial Colloidal Z-Scheme
Y Liu, A Bin Mohamad Annuar, S Rodríguez-Jiménez, CWS Yeung, Q Wang, AM Coito, RR Manuel, IAC Pereira, E Reisner
– Journal of the American Chemical Society
Adapting Gas Fermenting Bacteria for Light-driven Domino Valorization of CO2
L Su, S Rodriguez Jimenez, M Short, E Reisner
Solar-Driven Methanogenesis through Microbial Ecosystem Engineering on Carbon Nitride
S Kalathil, M Rahaman, E Lam, TL Augustin, HF Greer, E Reisner
– Angewandte Chemie - International Edition
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01223 336323

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