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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Senior Research Associate

Postdoctoral research Associate in the group of Professor Rod Jones at 
the Centre for Atmospheric Science (2014-now). LC has an extensive 
background in indoor air quality measurements in schools, personal 
exposure in cardio-pulmonary cohorts and outreach activities including a 
report for the Mayor of London. LC has led the air quality monitoring 
and the interpretation of the measurements in a number of national and 
international epidemiological projects (i.e. COPE, AIRLESS). She was 
responsible for the development of portable miniaturised sensing 
platforms making her work cutting-edge in the fields of air quality 
measurements, activity profiling and quantification of health impacts. 
She has about 30 peer reviewed publications, book chapters and national 
scientific assessments.



A Systematic Review Protocol of Opportunities for Noncommunicable Disease Prevention via Public Space Initiatives in African Cities
ERI Mogo, T Lawanson, L Foley, C Mapa-Tassou, F Assah, T Ogunro, V Onifade, D Odekunle, R Unuigboje, N Blanche, R Alani, L Chatzidiakou, O Popoola, R Jones, T Oni
– Int J Environ Res Public Health
A critical evaluation of the dynamic nature of indoor-outdoor air quality ratios
S Stamp, E Burman, L Chatzidiakou, E Cooper, Y Wang, D Mumovic
– Atmospheric Environment
Personal exposure to air pollution and respiratory health of COPD patients in London.
D Evangelopoulos, L Chatzidiakou, H Walton, K Katsouyanni, FJ Kelly, JK Quint, RL Jones, B Barratt
– The European respiratory journal
Seasonal variations and the influence of ventilation rates on IAQ: A case study of five low-energy London apartments
S Stamp, E Burman, C Shrubsole, L Chatzidiakou, D Mumovic, M Davies
– Indoor and Built Environment
Effects of AIR pollution on cardiopuLmonary disEaSe in urban and peri-urban reSidents in Beijing: Protocol for the AIRLESS study
Y Han, W Chen, L Chatzidiakou, A Krause, L Yan, H Zhang, Q Chan, B Barratt, R Jones, J Liu, Y Wu, M Zhao, J Zhang, FJ Kelly, T Zhu
– Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Difference in ambient-personal exposure to PM2.5 and its inflammatory effect in local residents in urban and peri-urban Beijing, China: results of the AIRLESS project
Y Han, L Chatzidiakou, L Yan, W Chen, H Zhang, A Krause, T Xue, Q Chan, J Liu, Y Wu, B Barratt, R Jones, T Zhu, FJ Kelly
– Faraday discussions
Using low-cost sensor technologies and advanced computational methods to improve dose estimations in health panel studies: results of the AIRLESS project.
L Chatzidiakou, A Krause, Y Han, W Chen, L Yan, OAM Popoola, M Kellaway, Y Wu, J Liu, M Hu, AIRLESS team, B Barratt, FJ Kelly, T Zhu, RL Jones
– Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology
Long-term, continuous air quality monitoring in a cross-sectional study of three UK non-domestic buildings
S Stamp, E Burman, C Shrubsole, L Chatzidiakou, D Mumovic, M Davies
– Building and Environment
Indoor air pollution, physical and comfort parameters related to schoolchildren's health: Data from the European SINPHONIE study.
RM Baloch, CN Maesano, J Christoffersen, S Banerjee, M Gabriel, É Csobod, E de Oliveira Fernandes, I Annesi-Maesano, SINPHONIE Study group
– Science of The Total Environment
Characterising low-cost sensors in highly portable platforms to quantify personal exposure in diverse environments.
L Chatzidiakou, A Krause, OAM Popoola, A Di Antonio, M Kellaway, Y Han, FA Squires, T Wang, H Zhang, Q Wang, Y Fan, S Chen, M Hu, JK Quint, B Barratt, FJ Kelly, T Zhu, RL Jones
– Atmospheric measurement techniques
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