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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


University Lecturer

Alex Thom is a University Lecturer in Theoretical Chemistry in the University of Cambridge. His research interests are in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, specializing in method and software development.

Current projects involve the calculation of accurate electronic energies using Monte Carlo techniques, the description of excited states of medium-large molecules (from chromophores to single-molecule magnets) using new methodologies, and the application of Quantum Chemical Algorithms on Quantum Computers.

I am also a developer of the HANDE QMC package (version 1.6 released June 2022) which (amongst many features) performs Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo and Coupled Cluster Monte Carlo on molecular and solid-state systems, and am happy to be contacted with questions about using this or potential applications.

As part of the EXTRA Consortium, we have been looking at the development processes involved in writing scientific software on modern reconfigurable architectures (principally FPGAs), and currently have projects implementing Quantum Monte Carlo methods on these architectures. I am also part of the Cambridge Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe.

PhD and MPhil Positions

If you are interested in pursuing an MPhil or PhD in my group, please contact my secretary, sending a CV by email.  Applications to begin October 2024 are still open.  The deadline for applications for the funding competition has now passed, but applications with external funding are still welcome until 31st January 2024 for MPhil and 16th May 2024 for PhD. 

NEW Funded PhD Studentship:Chiral Selectivity on Magnetic Surfaces  Application deadline 8th January

I am part of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Computational Methods for Materials Science and the SynTech Centre for Doctoral Training which both offer funded PhD positions, and I am happy to accept applicants for the MPhil in Scientific Computing and also Chemistry. Some example project ideas can be found here.

Dr Thom discusses his research


Trade-off between redox potential and strength of electrochemical CO2 capture in quinones
AT Bui, NA Hartley, AJW Thom, AC Forse
Reducing unitary coupled cluster circuit depth by classical stochastic amplitude prescreening
MA Filip, N Fitzpatrick, D Muñoz Ramo, AJW Thom
– Physical Review Research
Making the most of data: Quantum Monte Carlo postanalysis revisited
T Ichibha, VA Neufeld, K Hongo, R Maezono, AJW Thom
– Phys Rev E
Trade-off between redox potential and strength of electrochemical CO2 capture in quinones
AT Bui, NA Hartley, AJW Thom, AC Forse
Trade-off between redox potential and strength of electrochemical CO2 capture in quinones
AT Bui, NA Hartley, AJW Thom, AC Forse
Insight into the Gd-Pt Bond: Slow Magnetic Relaxation of a Heterometallic Gd-Pt Complex
T Yoshida, A Shabana, H Zhang, DC Izuogu, T Sato, K Fuku, H Abe, Y Horii, G Cosquer, N Hoshino, T Akutagawa, AJW Thom, S Takaishi, M Yamashita
– Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Localized Spin Rotations: A Size-Consistent Approach to Nonorthogonal Configuration Interaction
N Lee, AJW Thom
– Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Code supporting "Localised Spin Rotation: A Size-Consistent Approach to Non-Orthogonal Configuration Interaction"
A Thom
Software for the frontiers of quantum chemistry: An overview of developments in the Q-Chem 5 package
E Epifanovsky, ATB Gilbert, X Feng, J Lee, Y Mao, N Mardirossian, P Pokhilko, AF White, MP Coons, AL Dempwolff, Z Gan, D Hait, PR Horn, LD Jacobson, I Kaliman, J Kussmann, AW Lange, KU Lao, DS Levine, J Liu, SC McKenzie, AF Morrison, KD Nanda, F Plasser, DR Rehn, ML Vidal, Z-Q You, Y Zhu, B Alam, BJ Albrecht, A Aldossary, E Alguire, JH Andersen, V Athavale, D Barton, K Begam, A Behn, N Bellonzi, YA Bernard, EJ Berquist, HGA Burton, A Carreras, K Carter-Fenk, R Chakraborty, AD Chien, KD Closser, V Cofer-Shabica, S Dasgupta, M de Wergifosse, J Deng, M Diedenhofen, H Do, S Ehlert, P-T Fang, S Fatehi, Q Feng, T Friedhoff, J Gayvert, Q Ge, G Gidofalvi, M Goldey, J Gomes, CE González-Espinoza, S Gulania, AO Gunina, MWD Hanson-Heine, PHP Harbach, A Hauser, MF Herbst, M Hernández Vera, M Hodecker, ZC Holden, S Houck, X Huang, K Hui, BC Huynh, M Ivanov, Á Jász, H Ji, H Jiang, B Kaduk, S Kähler, K Khistyaev, J Kim, G Kis, P Klunzinger, Z Koczor-Benda, JH Koh, D Kosenkov, L Koulias, T Kowalczyk, CM Krauter, K Kue, A Kunitsa, T Kus, I Ladjánszki, A Landau, KV Lawler, D Lefrancois, S Lehtola, RR Li, Y-P Li, J Liang, M Liebenthal, H-H Lin, Y-S Lin, F Liu, K-Y Liu, M Loipersberger, A Luenser, A Manjanath, P Manohar, E Mansoor, SF Manzer, S-P Mao, AV Marenich, T Markovich, S Mason, SA Maurer, PF McLaughlin, MFSJ Menger, J-M Mewes, SA Mewes, P Morgante, JW Mullinax, KJ Oosterbaan, G Paran, AC Paul, SK Paul, F Pavošević, Z Pei, S Prager, EI Proynov, Á Rák, E Ramos-Cordoba, B Rana, AE Rask, A Rettig, RM Richard, F Rob, E Rossomme, T Scheele, M Scheurer, M Schneider, N Sergueev, SM Sharada, W Skomorowski, DW Small, CJ Stein, Y-C Su, EJ Sundstrom, Z Tao, J Thirman, GJ Tornai, T Tsuchimochi, NM Tubman, SP Veccham, O Vydrov, J Wenzel, J Witte, A Yamada, K Yao, S Yeganeh, SR Yost, A Zech, IY Zhang, X Zhang, Y Zhang, D Zuev, A Aspuru-Guzik, AT Bell, NA Besley, KB Bravaya, BR Brooks, D Casanova, J-D Chai, S Coriani, CJ Cramer, G Cserey, AE DePrince, RA DiStasio, A Dreuw, BD Dunietz, TR Furlani, WA Goddard, S Hammes-Schiffer, T Head-Gordon, WJ Hehre, C-P Hsu, T-C Jagau, Y Jung, A Klamt, J Kong, DS Lambrecht, W Liang, NJ Mayhall, CW McCurdy, JB Neaton, C Ochsenfeld, JA Parkhill, R Peverati, VA Rassolov, Y Shao, LV Slipchenko, T Stauch, RP Steele, JE Subotnik, AJW Thom, A Tkatchenko, DG Truhlar, T Van Voorhis, TA Wesolowski, KB Whaley, HL Woodcock, PM Zimmerman, S Faraji, PMW Gill, M Head-Gordon, JM Herbert, AI Krylov
– Journal of Chemical Physics
On Symmetry and the Reality of Holomorphic Hartree--Fock Wavefunctions
BC Huynh, AJW Thom
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01223 336470

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