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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Senior Research Associate (X-Ray Crystallography)

Chemical Crystallography

Crystallographic methods provide detailed atomic-level descriptions of crystalline solids, including molecular structure and geometrical information on intermolecular interactions.

Single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction are core analytical techniques within the chemical sciences, which support and augment a broad range of research within the Department. Modern diffraction instruments, applied at both laboratory and synchrotron sources, enable complex chemical problems to be tackled using crystallographic methods: for example, characterizing and understanding the consequences of disorder in molecular crystals or monitoring chemical changes in single crystals or crystalline powders.


Sodium Tetrakis(hexafluoroisopropyloxy)aluminates: Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterisation of a Room‐Temperature Solvated Ionic Liquid.
DMC Ould, S Menkin, HE Smith, V Riesgo‐González, TH Smith, MNB Chinn, E Jónsson, AD Bond, CP Grey, DS Wright
– ChemElectroChem
Front Cover: Sodium Tetrakis(hexafluoroisopropyloxy)aluminates: Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterisation of a Room‐Temperature Solvated Ionic Liquid (ChemElectroChem 2/2024)
DMC Ould, S Menkin, HE Smith, V Riesgo‐González, TH Smith, MNB Chinn, E Jónsson, AD Bond, CP Grey, DS Wright
– ChemElectroChem
Exploring the Landscape of Heterocyclic Quinones for Redox Flow Batteries
RB Jethwa, D Hey, RN Kerber, AD Bond, DS Wright, CP Grey
– ACS applied energy materials
Structural variation, magnetism and single-source deposition of lanthanide-containing polyoxotitanates
R Müller, O Georghiades, JD Bocarsly, FN Sayed, V Riesgo-González, AD Bond, CP Grey, DS Wright
– Dalton Transactions
Sodium Tetrakis(hexafluoroisopropyloxy)aluminates: Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterisation of a Room-Temperature Solvated Ionic Liquid
DMC Ould, S Menkin, HE Smith, V Riesgo-González, TH Smith, MNB Chinn, E Jónsson, AD Bond, CP Grey, DS Wright
– ChemElectroChem
Sn(IV)-corroles reversibly bind carboxylates in the axial position
H Bak, P Cavigli, A Bond, T Brock-Nannestad, M Pittelkow, E Iengo
– Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
Highly Adaptive Nature of Group 15 Tris(quinolyl) Ligands─Studies with Coinage Metals
Á García-Romero, JE Waters, RB Jethwa, AD Bond, AL Colebatch, R García-Rodríguez, DS Wright
– Inorg Chem
Quantitative Singlet Fission in Solution-Processable Dithienohexatrienes.
KJ Fallon, N Sawhney, DTW Toolan, A Sharma, W Zeng, S Montanaro, A Leventis, S Dowland, O Millington, D Congrave, A Bond, R Friend, A Rao, H Bronstein
– Journal of the American Chemical Society
Synthesis of Heterometallic Zirconium Alkoxide Single-Source Precursors for Bimetallic Oxide Deposition
J Slaughter, C Coates, G Phillips, D Choudhury, AD Bond, CP Grey, DS Wright
– Inorg Chem
Azoles as Auxiliaries and Intermediates in Prebiotic Nucleoside Synthesis
DJ Ritson, MW Poplawski, AD Bond, JD Sutherland
– J Am Chem Soc
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01223 336352

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