Image courtesy of L’Oréal UK & Ireland-UNESCO: Tanya Hutter (centre) with Mr Geoff Skingsley, Chairman L'Oréal UK & Ireland and Professor Dame Carol Robinson, Head of the Judging Panel.
Dr Tanya Hutter, a Darwin College Henslow Research Fellow in the department has been named one of the UK's most promising female scientists.
Tanya became a Fellow of the L’Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland For Women in Science programme 2016, in recognition of her academic work and achievements. The fellowship, worth £15,000 can be spent on whatever the fellow requires to continue their research. Tanya is developing a real-time online sensor, which can measure molecular changes in the brains of acute head injury patients.
When interviewed two days after the announcement, Tanya was ready to give birth to her second child. She said of her situation: "This pregnancy is fine, it's not going to stop me - I've worked harder than this!" She added: "The fellowship money will go towards childcare because I have to be back in the lab by October when we start a translational research project funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)." The three-year project aims to build a working prototype based on Tanya's research for hospital trials and ultimately to produce a viable healthcare product.
One week earlier, Tanya accepted third prize in the energy & environment category of the prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Emerging Technologies competition. SensorHut Ltd, a startup she co-founded in 2013, will receive tailored business support from a multinational partner company, business training, media support, and a cash prize of £2,000.
Image courtesy of RSC: Tanya Hutter (centre) accepting the Emerging Technologies Competition: Energy and environment prize with Steve Pleasance, Quotient Bioresearch Group, RSC (left) and comedian, actor and writer Hugh Dennis (right).