David Izuogu opens AODI's first ever chemical science conference at the University of Nigeria last June.
Applying to study at Cambridge can be an intimidating process, even if you're familiar with the UK education system. Now imagine being a student from Africa who dreams of getting a top-quality education but has no idea where to start.
This is why the Africa of Our Dream Education Initiative (AODI) is looking for mentors who can advise aspiring students from Africa on how to apply to places like Cambridge.
Africa of our Dream
As a postgraduate in Dr Alex Thom’s theoretical chemistry group, David Izuogu was aware that many of his contemporaries in Africa were not as lucky as he was to get the support and help they needed to access world-class education and training.
As a result, in 2018 David founded AODI to try to overcome some of these imbalances. “Empowering future generations through education is at the core of everything we do,” says David, who received his PhD last year and is now a visiting researcher.
David's aspiration includes helping African students gain access to quality education. “We’re dedicated to empowering talented students from Africa to overcome barriers and access top universities like Cambridge,” says David. “I’ve been fortunate, and that is why I want to give back.”
However, many students are overcome by the complex application process, and this is where mentors can help.
Call for mentors
“We urgently need more mentors to guide these bright minds through their Cambridge applications for the 2024/25 academic year," says David. "Your mentorship will also provide them with the opportunity to apply to other top universities if their Cambridge application is unsuccessful. At the end it is a win-win for the students - and for mentors.”
How you can help
- Become a mentor: If you’re passionate about making a difference and can guide one or two students this summer, please sign up here and become a mentor.
- Spread the word: Share this link within your network to help Africa of Our Dream reach a diverse group of volunteer mentors.
What if I’m not a scientist?
David says: “We are always low on non-science mentors and we welcome you – please also share this with any non-science colleagues."
"Your involvement could redefine the future for these students and generations to come."