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We are always interested in receiving applications to join our group from highly qualified and talented candidates wishing to carry out their Part III, Masters, PhD or Postdoctoral research with us. Joining us means having the opportunity to work in a friendly and engaging research group and partake in highly relevant and top-quality science. The research group is located within Cambridge University, which has been the home to some of the world's greatest minds. Its rich academic history, paired with with a beautiful location makes it an excellent place to perform research.

If you are interested in joining the group, either as a postgraduate student or as a Postdoctoral Researcher, please contact Prof. Angelos Michaelides at the first instance to discuss possible research directions and funding options, in particular explaining why you are interested in working in the ICE group alongside a CV. Please note that the large influx of emails may mean that not all requested will be responded, but all applications will be considered and those candidates that demonstrate a good track-record, motivation to join the team and research goals of mutual interest will receive feedback and be potentially invited for interview. Possible start dates and funding opportunities should also be included.

We accept graduate applicants to the following courses:

Additional information on funding and financial support can be found here. In particular, PhD students should investigate the funding schemes from the Cambridge Trust and Gates Foundation.

Open positions are listed on the sidebar of the group's home page where available. We are also happy to accept suitable applicants who apply for personal funding through sources such as: