The group had a fun Christmas event today, where we head to London (braving both the weather and train strikes) to start with an interesting tour of the Royal Society headquarters. We were honoured to tour the beautiful building and were able to even see the Charter book, containing signatures of all the fellows of the Royal Society, including renowned scientists such as Newton. We had a nice lunch at a nearby Italian restaurant and finally, we spent a few hours touring the annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit at the Natural History Museum. The group was awe-inspired by the range of beautiful and thought-provoking photographs on display.
Today, our recent PhD graduate, Michael Davies, also joined and we were able to hand him his PhD hat (pictured at the top right). Michael has helped the group to push the frontier of our understanding of ice nucleation, bringing new and interesting techniques, such as machine learning to better understand this complex phenomena. The group is saddened to see him leave. He has since started a job as a data scientist at Faculty and we wish him all the best for his future career!