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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


A block is a self-contained configurable piece of content - this might be a list of links, or a teaser list, or a small piece of arbitrary content you have specified. For a block to be visible on the site, it must be assigned to a region. The following regions are available, and are illustrated below.


  • Content - the main area on the page
  • Sub-content - if used, this appears as a column to the right of the main content area (if set, the sub-content occupies 25% of the available width)
  • Sidebar - the light grey column at the right-hand side of the page (typically used for e.g. related links, or lists of other links)
  • Partnership branding - occupies the full width of the page, after the main content 

To assign a block to a region, click the Manage Blocks link at the top left (N.B. this will only be visible if you are logged in)

Configuring which pages a block is visible on

Then find the block you wish to assign to a region (if the block is not currently assigned, it will appear in the Disabled list at the end). By default, if you assign a block to a region it will appear there on every page on your site. To change this, click the configure link next to the appropriate block:

In the Visibility settings section, you can choose to show the block on either:

  • all pages except those listed
  • only the listed page

and then in the text box below, you can specify a list of web addresses (one per line) that the block should not/should be displayed on. For example, if the base address of your website is and you only wanted the block to appear on the webpages with the addresses and, you should select the Only the listed pages option, and then enter:

in the text box.

N. B.If you want to specify that the block should/should not appear on your site's home page, enter <front> (including the < and > characters) instead of using your website's address.

Setting the block title

After clicking configure on the list of blocks, you can set a title which appears at the top of a block. In the screenshot above which illustrates the available page regions, examples of block titles include "Sub-content" in the Sub-content region, and "Related links" in the Sidebar region. If you do not want any title to be displayed, enter <none> (including the < and >) as the block title.

Assigning the block to a region

Either use the drop-down list that appears next to each block in the list of blocks:

or use the drop-down list in the Region Settings section of the block configuration form.