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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


By default, all files, images etc uploaded to the website are publically-visible. Where needed, a website can be configured to have a folder named raven into which files can be uploaded that are only accesible to visitors to the website with a particular role. In practice, this usually means that the Site Member role is granted to all current members of the Department of Chemistry, and access to the raven folder (and any subfolders) restricted to that role. Please note that this functionality is not enabled by default on Department websites; if it is required for your site, please email


How to restrict access to a file

Follow the usual instructions for uploading a file. If the functionality described in the paragraph above has been enabled for the site, you will see a folder named raven:

Files uploaded into this folder will only be accessible by the group that has been granted the Site Member role (if in doubt about this, please email

Please note: it is not sufficient to create a folder named raven yourself, as further configuration on the webserver is required to configure the access restrictions.