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Scientific computing package for python.

Instructions for users: 

This is available in the system Python distribution on managed Linux workstations. However if you want to use numpy on these machines you may be interested in using the Anaconda Scientific Python Distribution which is available as a module. 

On clusters the best way to access numpy is to load the appropriate anaconda module. This will give you a recent version of Python plus a large number of scientific and numerical python packages.

On managed Windows workstations you can easily get numpy installed via WPKG.

Licence Details: 

There is some documentation on the authors website


The homepage is

Admin notes: 

On Ubuntu it's part of thr distro but be sure to also install 'python-nose'.

One SuSE you have to build this yourself. Install lapack and nose first. I used the lapack package out of SuSE.

 python config --fcompiler=gnu95 python build --fcompiler=gnu95 python install --prefix=/usr/local/shared/suse-11.1/x86_64/python 

To test the installation on either do

 $ python >>> import numpy >>> numpy.test() 

System status 

System monitoring page

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