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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Royal Society University Research Fellow


Research Interests

The behavior of liquids and their interfaces underlies many important phenomena across the biological and physical sciences. I use molecular simulations and statistical mechanics to elicit the microscopic details of interfacial systems, with an emphasis on perhaps the most important of all liquids: water and its salt solutions. 

Recent research has focused on improving simulations methods to give a better description of ions adsorbed to charged interfaces [1], which is important for tackling complex problems such as ice nucleation [2]. I also have a keen interest in understanding dielectric response in water [3,4] and its implications for aqueous ion solvation [5].

Dr Cox discusses his research

[1] T Sayer & SJ Cox, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 164709 (2020) [publisher,arXiv]

[2] T Sayer & SJ Cox, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 14546 (2019) [publisher,arXiv]

[3] SJ Cox, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 117, 19746 (2020) [publisher,arXiv]

[4] SJ Cox & M Sprik, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 064506 (2019) [publisher,arXiv]

[5] SJ Cox, DG Thorpe, PR Shaffer & PL Geissler, Chem. Sci. 11, 11791 (2020) [publisher,arXiv]



Possible PhD projects involve improving simulation methodology to understand the structure and dynamics of charged interfaces in solution; using molecular simulations to understand how polar crystals grow; or pursuing theoretical approaches to improve our understanding of complex fluids. 

If you are interested in joining the team, please get in touch to discuss opportunities.



  • 2021-present: Royal Society University Research Fellow, Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
  • 2017-2021: Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellow, visiting Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
  • 2018-present: College lecturer, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK
  • 2020-2021: Undergraduate Tutor, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK
  • 2015-2017: Postdoctoral research fellow, Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Ca. USA
  • 2010-2014: PhD student, Department of Chemistry, University College London, UK




A classical density functional theory for solvation across length scales
AT Bui, SJ Cox
– The Journal of chemical physics
Impedance of nanocapacitors from molecular simulations to understand the dynamics of confined electrolytes.
G Pireddu, CJ Fairchild, SP Niblett, SJ Cox, B Rotenberg
– Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
The limit of macroscopic homogeneous ice nucleation at the nanoscale.
JA Hayton, MB Davies, TF Whale, A Michaelides, SJ Cox
– Faraday Discuss
Electrified/charged aqueous interfaces: general discussion.
XR Advincula, EHG Backus, M Bonn, SJ Cox, U Diebold, A Fellows, AR Finney, G Goel, J Hedley, Y Jiang, D Jin, V Kapil, N Kavokine, J Klein, D Laage, N Mohandas, K Morgenstern, T Mukherjee, M Olvera de la Cruz, H Orlikowska-Rzeznik, S Perkin, PM Piaggi, CG Rodellar, P Ryan, T Sayer, M Seyffertitz, M Shepelenko, GC Sosso, M Thämer, A Vilangottunjalil, R Walker-Gibbons, Y Wang, AP Willard, P Zhang
– Faraday discussions
Dynamics and nano-rheology of interfacial water: general discussion
XR Advincula, KE Blow, M Bonn, AT Bui, Y Cheng, SJ Cox, F Della Pia, U Diebold, L Fumagalli, G Goel, JA Hayton, Y Jiang, V Kapil, N Kavokine, K Koga, D Laage, M Lahav, S Miao, A Michaelides, P Montero de Hijes, K Morgenstern, T Mukherjee, N O'Neill, D Pan, PM Piaggi, SLB Rempe, M Salvalaglio, CG Salzmann, T Sayer, M Shepelenko, GC Sosso, S Wang, B Webber, AP Willard, Y Yao
– Faraday Discuss
Soft matter–water interface: general discussion
EHG Backus, G Ben Ari, S Benaglia, M Bonn, AT Bui, SJ Cox, F Della Pia, J Fraxedas, G Goel, Y Jiang, D Jin, K Koga, D Laage, S Miao, A Michaelides, K Morgenstern, T Mukherjee, Y Nagata, H Naito, O Nir, M Olvera de la Cruz, H Orlikowska-Rzeznik, D Pan, SLB Rempe, CG Salzmann, A Taira, A Vilangottunjalil, S Wang, AP Willard, Y Yao, J Yu
– Faraday discussions
Ice interfaces: general discussion
XR Advincula, EHG Backus, T Bartels-Rausch, S Benaglia, G Ben Ari, KE Blow, M Bonn, AT Bui, SJ Cox, F Della Pia, U Diebold, AR Finney, G Franceschi, L Fumagalli, G Goel, JA Hayton, C Holdship, Y Jiang, D Jin, V Kapil, N Kavokine, K Koga, D Laage, M Lahav, S Miao, A Michaelides, N Mohandas, K Morgenstern, T Mukherjee, Y Nagata, M Olvera de la Cruz, D Pan, PM Piaggi, SLB Rempe, P Ryan, CG Salzmann, T Sayer, RJ Saykally, M Shepelenko, GC Sosso, TF Whale, JJ White, AP Willard, P Zhang
– Faraday discussions
A classical density functional theory for solvation across length scales
AT Bui, SJ Cox
The limit of macroscopic homogeneous ice nucleation at the nanoscale
JA Hayton, MB Davies, TF Whale, A Michaelides, SJ Cox
Remembering the work of Phillip L. Geissler: A coda to his scientific trajectory
GR Bowman, SJ Cox, C Dellago, KH DuBay, JD Eaves, DA Fletcher, LB Frechette, M Grünwald, K Klymko, J Ku, AK Omar, E Rabani, DR Reichman, JR Rogers, AM Rosnik, GM Rotskoff, AR Schneider, N Schwierz, DA Sivak, S Vaikuntanathan, S Whitelam, A Widmer-Cooper
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Research Group

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01223 336384 (shared)

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