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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


My research focuses on developing a theoretical framework to explain pathological data in neurodegenerative diseases, including progressive supranuclear palsy and Alzheimer's disease, by studying their underlying molecular mechanisms. I obtained my bachelor's degree in Physics from National Taiwan University, where I optimized optical microscopy to its theoretical limit for my undergraduate project, sparking my interest in applying theoretical frameworks to biological systems. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, cooking, and have climbed over ten 3000m+ mountains in Taiwan.



Tau accumulation patterns in PSP constrain mechanisms and quantify cell-to-cell and cell-autonomous aggregation rates
S-H Huang, A Quaegebeur, T Pansuwan, T Rittman, R Wang, TPJ Knowles, J Rowe, D Klenerman, G Meisl
Optical volumetric brain imaging: speed, depth, and resolution enhancement
S-H Huang, N Irawati, Y-F Chien, J-Y Lin, Y-H Tsai, P-Y Wang, L-A Chu, M-L Li, A-S Chiang, KK Tsia, S-W Chu
– Journal of Physics D

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01223 763845 (shared)

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