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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Research Associate

Dr. Matthew R. Cheetham

Matthew currently works on the development of artificial cells for harvesting light from photosynthetic systems in the group of Jenny Zhang. He completed his PhD at the University of Leeds in 2012 with Prof. Steve Evans, looking at the manipulation of lipid membranes with electric fields. After this, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford in 2013 (and King's College London in 2016) with Prof. Mark Wallace, developing model lipid membrane systems to better understand anomalous diffusion. He then moved to the University of Cambridge in 2018 to develop plasmonic sensing platforms for lipid membranes with Prof. Jeremy Baumberg, before joining the Klenerman Lab in 2020 to work on the development of assays for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases from blood serum.


A Novel Method for Detecting Protein Aggregates Using Plasmonic Sensing
MR Cheetham, JYL Lam, S Rocchetti, JJ Baumberg, D Klenerman
– Alzheimer's & Dementia
Cerebral organoids with chromosome 21 trisomy secrete Alzheimer's disease-related soluble aggregates detectable by single-molecule-fluorescence and super-resolution microscopy.
E Fertan, D Böken, A Murray, JSH Danial, JYL Lam, Y Wu, PA Goh, I Alić, MR Cheetham, E Lobanova, YP Zhang, D Nižetić, D Klenerman
– Molecular Psychiatry
Author Correction: Constructing a cost-efficient, high-throughput and high-quality single-molecule localization microscope for super-resolution imaging.
JSH Danial, JYL Lam, Y Wu, M Woolley, E Dimou, MR Cheetham, D Emin, D Klenerman
– Nature protocols
POLCAM: Instant molecular orientation microscopy for the life sciences
E Bruggeman, O Zhang, L-M Needham, M Körbel, S Daly, M Cheetham, R Peters, T Wu, A Klymchenko, S Davis, E Paluch, D Klenerman, M Lew, K O’Holleran, S Lee
Characterization of full-length p53 aggregates and their kinetics of formation
L Julian, JC Sang, Y Wu, G Meisl, JH Brelstaff, A Miller, MR Cheetham, M Vendruscolo, TPJ Knowles, FS Ruggeri, C Bryant, S Ros, KM Brindle, D Klenerman
– Biophys J
Constructing a cost-efficient, high-throughput and high-quality single-molecule localization microscope for super-resolution imaging.
JSH Danial, JYL Lam, Y Wu, M Woolley, E Dimou, MR Cheetham, D Emin, D Klenerman
– Nature protocols
Fast slow folding of an outer membrane porin
EE Weatherill, MA Fahie, DP Marshall, RA Andvig, MR Cheetham, M Chen, MI Wallace
– Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
An economic, square-shaped flat-field illumination module for TIRF-based super-resolution microscopy.
JYL Lam, Y Wu, E Dimou, Z Zhang, MR Cheetham, M Körbel, Z Xia, D Klenerman, JSH Danial
– Biophys Rep (N Y)
Out-of-Plane Nanoscale Reorganization of Lipid Molecules and Nanoparticles Revealed by Plasmonic Spectroscopy
MR Cheetham, J Griffiths, BD Nijs, GR Heath, SD Evans, JJ Baumberg, R Chikkaraddy
– The journal of physical chemistry letters
Dynamic Nanoscale Reorganization of Lipid Molecules and Nanoparticles Revealed by Plasmonic GAP Resonance Spectroscopy
MR Cheetham, B de Nijs, JP Griffiths, SD Evans, JJ Baumberg, R Chikkaraddy
– Biophysical Journal
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