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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Wellcome Trust Fellow


Dr Mateo Sanchez holds a Wellcome Trust Career Development Award in the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry. His group works at the frontier between chemistry and biology. He aims to apply the principles of chemistry in order to unlock our understanding of cell biology and using biology to create new chemistry.  Specifically, he plans to develop new molecular tools leveraging optogenetics and protein engineering for cell biology and neuroscience. Another part of his research program will focus on the engineering of artificial metalloenzymes to catalyze new chemical reactions. 


Mateo Sanchez received his PhD in organic chemistry in 2014 from the University of Santiago de Compostela. The focus of his thesis was on the design and synthesis of fluorescent DNA binders.  In 2015, he joined the group of Professor Alice Ting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and later in the Department of Genetics at Stanford University where he was awarded with an EMBO long-term postdoctoral fellowship. In 2020, Mateo joined the Synthetic Biology Centre in the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London, to work with Professor Tom Ellis to gain further expertise in synthetic biology. Mateo was awarded with a Marie-Curie Fellowship for a project involving the design of genetic circuits to study DNA repair mechanisms.

Now recruiting

Currently, we are hiring two postdoctoral researchers to start as soon as possible. We are looking for backgrounds in (1) organic synthesis, organometallic chemistry, chemical biology and (2) molecular biology, protein engineering, directed evolution, yeast genetics, and phage display. Please contact me for the time being at

You can find out more about my research and publications on my web page.

Dr Sanchez Lopez discusses his research


Synthetic yeast chromosome XI design provides a testbed for the study of extrachromosomal circular DNA dynamics
BA Blount, X Lu, MRM Driessen, D Jovicevic, MI Sanchez, K Ciurkot, Y Zhao, S Lauer, RM McKiernan, G-OF Gowers, F Sweeney, V Fanfani, E Lobzaev, K Palacios-Flores, RSK Walker, A Hesketh, J Cai, SG Oliver, Y Cai, G Stracquadanio, LA Mitchell, JS Bader, JD Boeke, T Ellis
– Cell Genom
Synthetic yeast chromosome XI design enables extrachromosomal circular DNA formation on demand
BA Blount, X Lu, MRM Driessen, D Jovicevic, MI Sanchez, K Ciurkot, Y Zhao, S Lauer, RM McKiernan, G-OF Gowers, F Sweeney, V Fanfani, E Lobzaev, K Palacios-Flores, R Walker, A Hesketh, SG Oliver, Y Cai, G Stracquadanio, LA Mitchell, JS Bader, JD Boeke, T Ellis
An engineered transcriptional reporter of protein localization identifies regulators of mitochondrial and ER membrane protein trafficking in high-throughput CRISPRi screens.
R Coukos, D Yao, MI Sanchez, ET Strand, ME Olive, ND Udeshi, JS Weissman, SA Carr, MC Bassik, AY Ting
– Elife
Transcriptional readout of neuronal activity via an engineered Ca2+-activated protease.
MI Sanchez, Q-A Nguyen, W Wang, I Soltesz, AY Ting
– Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
A Molecular Calcium Integrator Reveals a Striatal Cell Type Driving Aversion
CK Kim, MI Sanchez, P Hoerbelt, LE Fenno, RC Malenka, K Deisseroth, AY Ting
– Cell
MitoBlue as a tool to analyze the mitochondria-lysosome communication.
MI Sánchez, Y Vida, E Pérez-Inestrosa, JL Mascareñas, ME Vázquez, A Sugiura, J Martínez-Costas
– Scientific reports
Novel broad-spectrum activity-based probes to profile malarial cysteine proteases.
MSY Tan, D Davison, MI Sanchez, BM Anderson, S Howell, A Snijders, LE Edgington-Mitchell, E Deu
– PloS one
Directed evolution improves the catalytic efficiency of TEV protease.
MI Sanchez, AY Ting
– Nature Methods
Canonical DNA minor groove insertion of bisbenzamidine–Ru( ii ) complexes with chiral selectivity
MI Sánchez, G Rama, R Calo-Lapido, K Ucar, P Lincoln, MV López, M Melle-Franco, JL Mascareñas, ME Vázquez
– Chem Sci
Characterization of P. falciparum dipeptidyl aminopeptidase 3 specificity identifies differences in amino acid preferences between peptide-based substrates and covalent inhibitors.
LE de Vries, MI Sanchez, K Groborz, L Kuppens, M Poreba, C Lehmann, N Nevins, C Withers-Martinez, DJ Hirst, F Yuan, S Arastu-Kapur, M Horn, M Mares, M Bogyo, M Drag, E Deu
– The FEBS journal
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