Emeritus reader Peter Murray-Rust has won the 2012 Herman Skolnik award, presented by the American Chemical Society’s Division of Chemical Information.
Peter and his long-time collaborator Henry Rzepa of Imperial College were recognised for their continued efforts to advance the field of chemical informatics, particularly in electronic and online forms. The citation also mentions the standards they created to facilitate science, and their promotion of new ways to collaborate and exchange chemical data.
Their work has led to a dramatic improvement in the ways in which molecular data are embedded in published scientific articles, preserving chemical identifiers, and facilitating both indexing and searching online. It has had a huge impact in chemical document analysis, chemistry on the internet, and in creating a viable strategy for making electronic chemistry information as widely accessible and usable as possible in the information age.
The prize consists of a $3,000 honorarium and a plaque. Peter and Henry will also present an award symposium at the ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia in autumn 2012.