Jim Staunton in thoughtful mood at the Royal Society, all photos courtesy Alison HIll
A symposium is being held in memory of Professor Jim Staunton on Friday 20 September 2024 here in the department. Register here to attend.
The symposium will celebrate and commemorate the life and career of Jim Staunton, who died last summer at the age of 88. Jim was a leader in his chosen field of Biosynthesis and was also a motivating and inspiring supervisor who is remembered with fondness and respect by his group members.
Group members help Jim celebrate his 56th birthday. Back row (from left): Mark Loughran, Richard Lloyd, Sandeep Handa, Karen Holt, Jim, Adam Jacobs, Angela Bridges. Front row (from left): Alison Hill, Sandra Morris, Tony Hooper.
Friday 20 September 2024
Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry
10.30 – 17.00 Symposium (free of charge)
Provisional speakers: Barrie Wilkinson, Chris Willis, Mary Garson, Finian Leeper, Richard Lloyd, Rebecca Goss, Kira Weissman, Ulf Hanefeld, Norberto Lopes.
John Vederas, Craig Townsend and Andrew Holmes will also provide some recollections of Jim.
St John’s College, Cambridge
19.00 – 22.00: Dinner (charge tbc)
A 1973 group photo of members of the Alan Battersby, Jim Staunton and Ted McDonald groups. Staunton group members include Robert Hill (fifth from left), David Griffin (second from right), Rachel Raynor (third from right) and a young Jim (fourth from right). Can you name any of the other faces? If so, please let us know!
The symposium is being organised by former Staunton group members Alison Hill, who is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Biosciences, University of Exeter; Helen Hailes, now the Alexander Williamson Professor of Chemistry at University College London; and Barrie Wilkinson, Professor of Molecular Microbiology at the John Innes Centre, Norwich.
Alison says: “We have done our very best to track down as many people as we can, but we can’t guarantee we have found everyone. Please pass on this message to other past group members or colleagues who may be interested in attending.”
Register your interest or contact Alison at a.m.hill@exeter.ac.uk for further information.
Jim with former group member Finian Leeper.