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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry

Four women discuss a poster with coffee

Global Womens Breakfast Feb 2023 taken by Michael Webb ©University of Cambridge

Postdoctoral researchers hosted poster presentations alongside coffee and pastries to celebrate the IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast on 14 February.

The event was held in the Cybercafé and celebrated the incredible research happening in our departmental research groups.

Georgia Harris from the Gaunt group, who organised the event, commented:

“In such a male-dominated environment it's often easy to feel out of place. Events like this are so important for wider representation, building networks and finding allies, whilst also celebrating the fantastic scientific contributions made by people of all gender identities in the department.”

Georgia Harris (left) at the Global Women's Breakfast Feb 2023 taken by Michael Webb ©University of Cambridge

Alongside her research in organic synthesis, Georgia is starting a network for women in science. If anyone is interested or would like to be involved then you can send her an email at

The IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast is an annual event supported by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). This year’s theme was breaking barriers in science and aims to establish networks of scientists of all genders to overcome barriers to gender equality.

Global Women's Breakfast Feb 2023 taken by Michael Webb ©University of Cambridge