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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Are you a current or prospective postdoc interested in applying for a research fellowship to be held here? If so, the next deadline for submitting an expression of interest is 30 June 2021.

We are keen to support early career researchers wishing to apply for fellowships (such as Royal Society or Research Council fellowships) that will help establish them as independent researchers. For example, senior postdoc Dr Jenny Zhang was awarded a BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship and has now started her own group here. And in the Knowles Lab, Aviad Levin was recently awarded the prestigious Ernest Oppenheimer Early Career Research Fellowship.

If you are interested in applying for any fellowship to be held in the Department of Chemistry, please see our guidance notes and follow the instructions for submitting an expression of interest.

Senior fellowships

For senior fellowships (i.e. fellowships requiring at least three years postdoctoral experience) we run our own selection panels twice a year to decide which applications to submit to the sponsors. We invite prospective applicants - both postdocs already here and those wishing to move to Cambridge - to submit an expression of interest for the panel to consider.

The next panel takes place in July 2021 and the deadline for submitting an expression of interest is 30 June 2021.

Junior fellowships

For junior fellowships (usually a first or second postdoctoral position), applications do not need to go to a panel. Instead we ask applicants to contact potential supervisors to discuss their proposal, and for a member of academic staff to agree to act as supervisor, before approving the application for submission to a sponsor.

Contact information

For further information about fellowships, please contact Dr Howard Jones: