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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Special Chem@Cam Wedding issue...

A very special issue of Chem@Cam was produced in June to celebrate the wedding of the department's deputy librarian, Mike Todd-Jones. 

Mike married Anna Smith on 22nd June at a ceremony at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Arbury. And to mark the occasion his colleague, librarian Clair Castle, collaborated on a departmental wedding card with Photography's Gaby Bochetti who used some (pretty impressive) forgery skills to create a special 'bootleg' edition of our alumni magazine! The card was much enjoyed by the staff who popped down to reception to sign it.

It included a feature on '10 reasons shorty-shorts are back in fashion' and asked the vital question, 'Will Mike make it to the church on time?'

Mike did indeed make it to the church safely. "Anna and I both had a great wedding day", he says, "followed by a really enjoyable honeymoon in Germany's Black Forest."

We wish them both well in their new life together.