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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


For performance reasons, people who view the website when not logged in will see a version that the server has cached. This means the page content they see may be slightly out-of-date - potentially by a few hours. However, when you are logged in to the site, you will always see the current version of the page.

If you have content that is especially time-sensitive, you can force the server to clear its caches and regenerate the content. It might sometimes also be useful to do this when a site is under active development and you want to demonstrate recent edits. You should be aware that clearing the server cache may mean that loading webpages will take longer for some people for a short while, and so should only be done when there is a pressing need for recent edits to be publically visible.

To clear the server-side cache, go to Site admin > Site settings, and click the Clear all server-side caches button in the Clear server-side caches section.