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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


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About Chem@Cam Magazine

Chem@Cam is the magazine of the University of Cambridge Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry. It is published three times a year: as a hard copy in spring and winter and as an e-newsletter in the summer.

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Back issues

Issue 50

Summer 2014

Issue 49

Spring 2014

Issue 48

Autumn 2013

Issue 47

Summer 2013

Issue 46

Spring 2013

Issue 45

Autumn 2012
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Chem@Cam 69 Highlights

Behind the Scenes - A Helium Rescue Mission.

The department's new helium recovery system is now up and running.


Revealing the hidden value of plastics.

Recycling plastic waste is difficult and often unprofitable. Reisner group spinout Protonera has the perfect solution.