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Anaconda is a Python distribution for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing. It contains 1000+ of the most popular Python packages for science, math, engineering, data analysis.


Managed Linux workstations, compute clusters, managed Windows computers via WPKG

Instructions for users: 


Load the module to use it and then run Python. It comes in both Python 2 (on 18.04 bionic workstations only) and Python 3 versions, so pick the appropriate one for your code. If in doubt, use Python 3.

$ module add anaconda/python3 # Python 3

$ python
Python 3.4.1 |Anaconda 2.0.1 (64-bit)| (default, May 19 2014, 13:02:41)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

For more detail see our page about using Anaconda and conda.


Once installed through WPKG, you can find a variety of python-related tools in the Start Menu under the Anaconda 3 folder.

To launch an interactive python3 shell, choose Start Menu > Anaconda3 (64-bit) > Anaconda prompt (Anaconda 3) and then run the python command. (Note: not python3)


Licence Details: 

The Anaconda EULA can be found at

The individual packages within Anaconda have a variety of licences, but they are all Free Software. A complete list of licences can be found at .


Online at

The conda website has extensive documentation on how to get started using conda here.

Admin notes: 

Anaconda has a great installer. To install a new version on workstations run

bash /path/to/installer -b -p /usr/local/shared/ubuntu-whatever/x86_64/anaconda/pythonver/anacondaver

Create a .condarc file in /usr/local/shared/ubuntu-whatever/x86_64/anaconda/pythonver/anacondaver containing

notify_outdated_conda: false

and then make a module

On clusters, drop the installer into /usr/local/shared/anylinux/anaconda/installers and then link a module in /usr/local/shared/anylinux/anaconda/modulefiles and cron jobs on the clusters will do the rest. Newer Anaconda versions (2021.11 at least) sometimes do not work on the older OSes; consider updating the ansible config in roles/cluster_local_software/templates/usr/local/etc/sync-software-anaconda-modules-os-filter to exclude them from any incompatible OSes if adding new versions.

System status 

System monitoring page

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