The Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group (ACRG) is a team of atmospheric modellers, aiming better understand the air that surrounds us. The chemistry of the gases and particles present in ambient air is a hugely important field of research. If we are to discover new pathways which can reduce air pollution and combat climate change, we require a detailed understanding of atmospheric chemistry.
To study atmospheric chemistry, we must utilise three different approaches to study atmospheric chemistry:
Laboratory studies surrounding the physio-chemical properties of atmospheric constituents
Observations of the abundance and variability of these moities,
Numerical model simulations that integrate our understanding of the sources and fate of these compounds in order to test hypothesis on how they may change under different conditions.
In the ACRG's Archibald Team, we combine these approaches to improve our understanding of the air around us, creating detailed atmospheric models.
Research Interests
Our research involves the development and application of state-of-the-art chemistry-climate models. With these models we are trying to answer a number of questions relevant to society:
- What are the impacts of changes in man made emissions on the composition of the atmosphere?
- How does the changing composition of the atmosphere affect climate?
- How will a changing climate impact the composition of the atmosphere.
Accordingly, we have three main areas of research within our group:
- Understanding the fundamentals of gas phase chemistry in the atmosphere
- Understanding the impacts of changes in gases and particles on climate
- Understanding the impacts of changes in climate on gases and particles