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cwRsync file comes from This runs from the Windows command line using the supplied template cwrsync.cmd batch file. There is also a paid-for GUI version.

Extract the .zip file to a folder of your choice on the C drive e.g. C:\Users\<user>. In the folder cwRsync_5.5.0_x86_Free are binaries & the cwrsync.cmd batch file template you can use to start your rsync command(s). The cwrsync.cmd file explains the convention for naming Windows files and gives several examples.

The cwrsync.cmd batch file can be used as supplied in this folder by first adding a suitable rsync line at the end (but without the leading REM comment). This can be run from the command line with e.g.

cd C:\Users\<user>\cwRsync_5.5.0_x86_Free

If your fileserver is mounted as a network drive e.g. Z: you can add this final rsync line to cwrsync.cmd

rsync -r /cygdrive/c/folder/ /cygdrive/z/folder_copy/

If you wish to sync with a group fileserver, determine the correct path to your home directory on the fileserver & use e.g.

rsync -r /cygdrive/c/Users/<user>/Documents/test_file <group>-fs:/data/group/<group>/general/people/<user>/home

This creates the folders C:\Users\<user>\cwRsync_5.5.0_x86_Free\home\<user>\.ssh

To avoid entering your password on the fileserver each time you run cwrsync.cmd, generate a key pair on your Windows client.

cd C:\Users\<user>\cwRsync_5.5.0_x86_Free
bin\ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f cwrsync -N ""

Move the cwrsync private key file to the folder cwRsync_5.5.0_x86_Free\home\<user>\.ssh.

Copy the file to the .ssh subdirectory of your Linux login directory on the fileserver. If this directory does not exist create it and the authorized_keys file as follows. Append the public key file to the file authorized_keys. From a Linux command line, for example,

% ssh <user>@<group>-fs
% pwd
% mkdir .ssh
% chmod 700 .ssh
% cd .ssh
% cat >> authorized_keys

Adjust the rsync command in the Windows cwrsync.cmd file to locate the private key file:

rsync -r -av -e "ssh -i home\<user>\.ssh\cwrsync" /cygdrive/c/Users/<user>/Documents/test_file <group>-fs:/data/group/<group>/general/people/<user>/home

Adjust this line in the cwrsync.cmd file to sync the folder of interest & add further rsync commands to sync other folders as required.

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