In the department most staff already access wifi through ChemNet, the department's main wireless network, but some staff might use the UniOfCam wifi either in the department or in other parts of the university, so please be aware that the University Information Services (UIS) team are shutting down the UniOfCam wifi as of 8 January.
In the department you can access wifi through ChemNet, the department’s main wireless network. If you haven’t accessed ChemNet before, find out how to get a ChemNet token.
UIS has recommended that outside of the department, staff should connect to eduroam (short for education roaming), which is the academic network for students, researchers and staff around the university, city centre and boathouses. The brilliant thing about eduroam is that you can also connect to it when visiting other participating institutions.
If you have personal devices that cannot connect eduroam, like Amazon Alexa or printers, you can still connect to UniOfCam-IoT (Internet of things).
UIS say that visitors or guests will still be able to self-register for a wireless connection through the UniOfCam-Guest network.
Further help
Remember there’s always a Computer Officer available to answer your general IT and personal computer queries at the Drop-In IT Surgery on Mondays from 2-4pm in Room M13. You can also email support@ch.cam.ac.uk or check-out the Computing Services web pages on the department's website.