How to use the Department Calendar
The purpose of the Department calendar is to have one central reference point for important events, to help prevent clashes and to ensure meetings and seminars are well attended. All department members who schedule events should have edit rights to the calendar. If you have any questions about scheduling events, how to use the calendar, or if you need edit rights, please contact Diane Harris.
Events which should be entered in the calendar
- Departmental committee meetings
- Informal RIG seminars
- Formal RIG seminars
- Department-wide lectures (eg, named lectures such as the Lewis Lecture and the RSC lectures, and also formal RIG seminars featuring world-leading scientific researchers who appeal to more than one RIG)
- Any other department-wide events
The following events should NOT be entered into the calendar, but rather into your own personal calendar:
- Individual research group meetings
- Personal meetings
What happens if there is a clash of meetings?
Department events are booked on a first come first serve basis. They will have priority over events that are not in the department calendar. If you have a meeting that is clashing with a departmental event, you need to check with your attendees if they wish to attend the event in the departmental calendar. If so, you will need to re-schedule your event.
Please go to How to Schedule Events, Seminars and Meetings for further guidance on how and when to schedule RIG informal seminars, RIG formal seminars and department-wide lectures - and the difference between them!
Accessing the department calendar
Warning to all people who run a separate Google calendar which uses their CRSID
The department calendar is a University-maintained Google Calendar which automatically uses your CRSID to give access to the calendar. When you click onto the website, any previously opened Google Calendar accounts which use the same CRSID as a sign-in will be deleted, and valuable data may be lost. If you think this may apply to you, please ensure you have saved all information from your other calendars before clicking on this link. If you have any questions at all about this, please contact, or visit the IT surgery on Mondays from 2 - 4 pm in room M13. However, if you are already a Google Calendar user, using a non-University sign-in, you can link your existing non-University Google Calendar(s) to the department calendar. This will allow you to see and manage all calendars in one window, you do not need to log out or switch profiles. Please see instructions below.
To access the department calendar, go to:
- Website: or click here.
- Log in: your RAVEN details
New to Google calendar
When entering the departmental calendar, you will see that you have already a google calendar that is created for you, this your RAVEN google calendar. You can see your CRSiD on the top right corner. Note that the only way to log into this calendar is via the above website, not via Google directly.
Existing Google calendar users
If you are already a Google calendar user, you can link your existing non university google calendar(s) to the departmental calendar. This will allow you to see and manage all calendars in one window, you do not need to log out or switch profiles.
Log into your existing google calendar e.g This calendar needs to be shared with your RAVEN google calendar (e.g. To do this follow the below steps:
1. Click onto the settings button on the top right corner and select ‘Settings’
2. Click on ‘Calendars’ on the top left tab, and then on ‘Shared: Edit settings’
3. Click ‘Add person’ and enter your CRSiD email address from your RAVEN google calendar, e.g. Select the level of access you would like to give. Select ‘Makes changes AND manage sharing’ to allow you to manage the calendars via both access routes, either your RAVEN google calendar or your other google calendar. Press save at the bottom to save all your changes.
You can now check if changes were successful. Go to your RAVEN google calendar at . Now you should be able to see your other Google calendar.
Who to contact for issues?
For feedback or questions about the department calendar or feedback please contact Diane Harris who can also grant access rights.
If you require technical help please contact