How to add a seminar or event to
Your talk will not appear on the department website until it is added to
Check BOTH the Department Calendar and upcoming talks on the department website to ensure there is no clash with the event you want to schedule.
Reserve the date in the Department Calendar.
Go to the University website and log-in with your Raven password.
Enter your formal or informal seminar or other event on one of the chemistry-related lists, which are:
Other lists:
This will publish your event to the University talks website, which will be searchable for all University members who use this service.
Your event will also be streamed automatically to the Department of Chemistry website under Upcoming Talks. (There may be a delay of a couple of hours after creating a talk on before it appears on the department website).
Talks that are not added to one of the above series will not appear on the Chemistry website.
Top tips for adding a talk
For better publicity, make sure you include these items in the spaces provided:
- The title
- The type of event (formal, informal or other)
- The speaker's website address (which allows browsers to access it)
- A picture of the speaker (or an image related to their talk) if you have one
- The organiser's email (this should automatically appear as your own email and is not visible to anybody viewing the talk)
- The venue, date and time
- Add the abstract of the talk or other relevant info such as links to slides or further contact information in the box labelled 'abstract.'
- DO NOT check "ex-directory or publicity" unless you have been expressly told otherwise.
- The above items are very important so that the information that appears on our web pages is as accurate and informative as possible!