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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


University Lecturer

Environmental and climatic effects of volcanic gases and aerosols

I am an Interdisciplinary Lecturer in Climate Modelling jointly affiliated with the Departments of Chemistry and Geography. I combine expertise in atmospheric science, climate modelling, and volcanology to advance the current understanding of volcanic impacts and hazards. In particular, I investigate the impact of volcanism on atmospheric chemistry, climate, air quality, human health, ecosystems and aviation using a wide range of atmospheric models and volcanological datasets. I am particularly interested in continuously degassing volcanoes and effusive Icelandic volcanic eruptions and their effects on air quality and climate. I am convinced that these eruptions serve as a perfect natural lab and can help better understand and quantify aerosol-cloud interactions.

Recent research

I have extensively studied the most recent Icelandic eruption at Holuhraun (Bárðarbunga volcano). Starting in August 2014, Holuhraun erupted effusively for 6 months and emitted up to nine times as much sulphur dioxide per day as all European industry combined, which led to a measureable episodic degradation of air quality across Northern Europe in September 2014 (see Schmidt et al., 2015). Combining satellite observations with numerical modelling, we were also able to demonstrate that the eruption had a discernable effect on the brightness of low-level clouds over the North Atlantic (Gettelman et al., 2015; Malavelle et al., 2017).


Global climate disruption and regional climate shelters after the Toba supereruption
BA Black, J-F Lamarque, DR Marsh, A Schmidt, CG Bardeen
– Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Unknown Eruption Source Parameters Cause Large Uncertainty in Historical Volcanic Radiative Forcing Reconstructions
LR Marshall, A Schmidt, JS Johnson, GW Mann, LA Lee, R Rigby, KS Carslaw
– Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
ARTN e2020JD033578
Increased respiratory morbidity associated with exposure to a mature volcanic plume from a large Icelandic fissure eruption
HK Carlsen, E Ilyinskaya, PJ Baxter, A Schmidt, T Thorsteinsson, MA Pfeffer, S Barsotti, F Dominici, RG Finnbjornsdottir, T Jóhannsson, T Aspelund, T Gislason, U Valdimarsdóttir, H Briem, T Gudnason
– Nat Commun
Volcanic forcing of climate since 1850 in an interactive aerosol-chemistry-climate model
T Aubry, A Schmidt, A Harrow, J Walton, J Mulcahy, F O'Connor, C Jones, S Rumbold, L Marshall, L Abraham
Model physics and chemistry causing intermodel disagreement within the VolMIP-Tambora Interactive Stratospheric Aerosol ensemble
M Clyne, JF Lamarque, MJ Mills, M Khodri, W Ball, S Bekki, SS Dhomse, N Lebas, G Mann, L Marshall, U Niemeier, V Poulain, A Robock, E Rozanov, A Schmidt, A Stenke, T Sukhodolov, C Timmreck, M Toohey, F Tummon, D Zanchettin, Y Zhu, OB Toon
– Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
The 2019 Raikoke volcanic eruption – Part 1: Dispersion model simulations and satellite retrievals of volcanic sulfur dioxide
J De Leeuw, A Schmidt, CS Witham, N Theys, IA Taylor, RG Grainger, RJ Pope, J Haywood, M Osborne, NI Kristiansen
– Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Evidence for the predictability of changes in the stratospheric aerosol size following volcanic eruptions of diverse magnitudes using space-based instruments
LW Thomason, M Kovilakam, A Schmidt, C Von Savigny, T Knepp, L Rieger
– Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Environmental Effects of Volcanic Volatile Fluxes From Subaerial Large Igneous Provinces
TA Mather, A Schmidt
Supplementary material to "Co-emission of volcanic sulfur and halogens amplifies volcanic effective radiative forcing"
J Staunton-Sykes, TJ Aubry, YM Shin, J Weber, LR Marshall, NL Abraham, A Schmidt, A Archibald
Reconciling the climate and ozone response to the 1257 CE Mount Samalas eruption.
DC Wade, CM Vidal, NL Abraham, S Dhomse, PT Griffiths, J Keeble, G Mann, L Marshall, A Schmidt, AT Archibald
– Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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